Why were Combat Enchants given such a high IL, but ZERO combined?
They are supposed to be a strong piece of magic, but they are actually more like a cursed item.
Slotting a mythic, raises your TIL 5,000. So 500-600 extra base damage, 50,000-60,000 hp.
Plus the damage bonus (8%) and a secondary effect.
Sounds great right?
Well, the cost;
First buying them out right is crazy expensive. 3,000,000 and up, at the least.
OR coalie wards and other refining stuff.
But the real cost is what they do to your stats.
If you are around 50k when you slot it, all 15 of your stats with drop around *10%*
So, yes, you have more base damage, But less effective power. And crit. and Accuracy. And Crit Sev. Less damage from CA.
Yes, you have more hitpoint, BUT you are easier to hit, and critically hit.
The enchant does nothing for your utility stats, other then make them drop.
Thats less movement, less recharge, less control, less control resistance.
Most end game players are now around 75-80k.
They are looking at a 7-7.5% drop across the board.
These things either need some combined rating, or a lowered/no IL.
also one can buy rank 4 combat ench pack, n upgrade it, even the BiS mote can be bypassed
thats of course is just an alternative aproach, not solution
Or at least try to get 1-2 to Mythic first prior to fully upgrading your Weapon.
It only "hurts" your base stats, not your percentages (aditional bonus) so is easy to compensate. You can use an augment companion or gear that gives +stats under easy condition like bots that give +7500 power for example
Caturday Survivor
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Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
I'd still down a bunch in five stats. To get 8% damage. Which I can beat by having a knight, and still have four more comp power slots to be stronger. Even with an augment, that somehow hits four of the five stats remaining, then I still have a net stat loss, AND no striker buddy. Everything else has a combined rating, why not the combat enchants?
If you don't feel the stats are worth it, then don't slot the enchant. Spend your resources on other things that you feel progress your character further.
The cost of the enchants are cheap compared to the power they give to your character. And with patience and understanding of the game, you can upgrade them for much less than they sell for on the AH. But if you are impatient (must have new shiny now) or do not understand how to maximize your resources in upgrading, then yes, they can seem expensive. But once you have a mythic enchant, it can be shared account wide. This system is much nicer for the alt-a-holics among us.