This is a recurring bug, you had fixed it a while ago. When a member is disconnected or has not loaded in yet (ie is in the loading screen alt-tabbed without 'pressing any key', just slow connection, or someone suffering from the disconnect on loading screens bug) the rest of the queue group can enter the purple circle and go into the dungeon, leaving the player who hadn't loaded in yet stuck on the outside of the door unable to participate - and the people inside to have to complete the content with fewer players.
Yesterday was a first though...
- Disconnect on loading... not so unusual.
- Required two attempts to log back in... also not that unusual.
- This time, I found myself back in Caer Konig. I very briefly saw the "Return to Instance" button at the top of the screen before it disappeared.
Then I was out of the queue... and I couldn't queue again because I had been given a leaver penalty!Thanks a lot!