DRIDER realm is dying and here is why:
1) time to get zen from ZAX exchange is already 1 year + (wtf?)
2) no party for RTQ, REDQ (it's always N/A time showing), haven't seen a long time anybody's looking party for Zariel or TOMM in PE
3) no new players, same faces over and over again in dungeons/trials
After merging you can free up compute resources and remove the headache of keeping the second realm in sync with Dragon.
Whole world is playing together but ru community should play apart like a rogue/hermit people and it's very sad.
p.s. playing this game since 2014
So it's unlikely that we will see big influx of players in Neverwinter, that chance already passed.
Merging would benefit both sides. More players in one server, means faster queue, more trading.
However, that also bring risk, which is that dryder and dragon have own economy in the game.
Poorly done merging can lead to very negative outcome.
Also, @vasiamen1, you realize that merging to one sever will be lot of lag spikes? The physical Dragoon server is located in west coast, while Dryder is located in Germarny(cerntral EU).
The distance between your location and physical server may cause high ping which mean lag spikes.
Also, the ZAX situation Is kinda same on both servers. So merging would not solve ZAX issue. The outcome can be both, positive and negative.
More players = more chance someone will convert ZEN to AD. But also it can end up in opposite, make ZAX times even worse..
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
Just feel the difference:
Patch notes? yeah, ofc
I'm sure our night owls and less populated time zone players would appreciate having more players to play with just as much as our Russian friends would.
Guild Leader
Neverwinter SOLO Alliance
Not to overly generalize as I'm sure there are actually awesome people everywhere, but in many cases the experience is so toxic that people died mentally just from the thought.
So I'm pretty sure, that on that you are very wrong. And that is not taking the current geopolitical climate into consideration, which makes the fact that that server is still working a surprise on its own.
If they did not charge you sales tax when you bought your Zen, probably, no sales tax to Russia.
If they don't have a permanent establishments or a management board in Russia, they probably don't pay corporate or income tax to Russia.