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Dungeon Queues

So, I think it's safe to say that almost no one is happy with the current dungeon queue setup. I'd like to offer some suggestions for rework.
Problem number one is the minimum level requirements. I feel like the required character level needs to be raised to at least 12. There is no reason why a character that cannot even choose a paragon path should be in a dungeon. They literally have no abilities that will make them able to perform their combat role. I got stuck in Malabog's Castle with a level 8 fighter as a tank and it was absolutely ridiculous. When you're determining the minimum character and item level requirements for these dungeons you need to ask yourselves if 5 players that are all at the minimum required level will be able to finish the dungeon. Can 5 level 8 characters complete Malabog's Castle? No, they can't... Therefore a level 8 character has no business being in there.
Problem number two is the rewards and daily AD bonuses. I'd like to suggest raising the AD bonus for the regular dungeons and skirmishes and giving the same amount for repeating the random queue. If you set the daily/repeat bonus to say 20 or 25,000 rough AD then lower level players could run 4-5 dungeons/skirmishes and still get their 100,000 rough AD every day. And for the dungeon chest rewards, there should be items in those chests that are going to help the players advance their character. For example: Mount/companion upgrade tokens, Genie gifts, Insignias... And also a chance to drop the mounts and companions as well. Kinda like the Juma bags. And for the Advanced Dungeons you could offer higher quantities or a higher level version of those items. For example: There could be like 5 upgrade tokens in a regular dungeon chest while the advanced dungeons would give 10. Give out common and rare companions/mounts in the regular dungeons while the advanced have the possibility of epic or legendary.
Something has to be done. It shouldn't fall on the higher level players to carry the lower level players through the dungeons. And many of us are tired of running the same 4 dungeons every day to get our rough AD.


  • vokuldovahkiin1#4724 vokuldovahkiin1 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    I agree with you good Sir. I have once again come to the point of frustration with the random Dungeon cues. I have noticed that the pattern comes in spurts. I have seen good days, then there is usually a streak of meh days. Followed by the what the Hamster is going on ?!? Usually the horrific dungeon cues are preempted by hours of cue times, followed by multiples of cancelled cues. I do not understand why anyone whom doesn't have a Paragon Path is in random cues to begin with. A second point of contention for me is why are people cued areas they haven't even unlocked with their character. I have a level 6 fighter currently and there is no way I would bring her into a random cue knowing that she couldn't perform to a minimal standard and would only be a detriment to others in a cue. Ran Fangbreaker and there was a level 5 cleric. It was bad, but we managed to get through it. In two days I have cued 14 times, completed 5 with 9 scratches (I was the last to leave instance in 8 of them first to leave in one of them). The one I left first there was my level 20 Devout and a level 20 Warlock everyone else was level 8 and lower. I could tell 30 seconds into Caverns of Kararundax that no one in there had run it before. Could we please return to common sense... Inquiring minds want to know...
  • toxicmephisto#4280 toxicmephisto Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    "And many of us are tired of running the same 4 dungeons every day to get our rough AD."
    So true...

  • orangenee#2931 orangenee Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    I'm fed up having to do a skirmish, rdq and then having to skip RADQ.

    Anything but LOMM (which is still a bit iffy) is almost a guaranteed failure. People quit after one wipe usually -and in the case of T9- even the potion puzzle has led to mass abandonment.

    With regards to the topic, there's only so much Lostmauth I feel like running per day (7 streak currently), which is once.

    So I take whatever I get out of the skirmish/RDQ and have done with it.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User

    I'm fed up having to do a skirmish, rdq and then having to skip RADQ.

    Anything but LOMM (which is still a bit iffy) is almost a guaranteed failure. People quit after one wipe usually -and in the case of T9- even the potion puzzle has led to mass abandonment.

    With regards to the topic, there's only so much Lostmauth I feel like running per day (7 streak currently), which is once.

    So I take whatever I get out of the skirmish/RDQ and have done with it.

    Personally I find spellplague has highest success rate followed by LoMM than T9 and one that seems to fail most is CR, pretty much always due to not knowing mechanics.

    Spellplague cavern - Boss 1. Wait for large iron golem to spawn, kill it, drag fire ball to Kabal, pop artifacts and proceed to kill boss rinse and repeat, kill all minions, burn chains off rinse and repeat till dead, Boss 2 stay on platform, look away when big eye appears rinse health as fast as possible, dodge and block where possible. Boss 3 Kill tentacles, go through portals kill blue flame rinse and repeat, kill all blue flame jump through portal finish off Boss, watch out for curse, let her stun you to break the curse, turn your back to avoid eye when not cursed, and watch out for portals spawning around the edge which shot out beams. This is the one dungeon where you can learn at least 2 of the bosses mechanics outside the dungeon via the cloaked ascendancy campaign, this is possibly why I would also say it should have the highest success rate.

    Lair of the Mad Mage - Boss 1 kill mimics, kill Boss, watch out for cocoon, if you get arrows pointing down seperate, if you get arrows pointing in group up. Boss 2. Usually a solo tank check but not what's intended, watch out for quick sand stay our of middle, destroy boulders, Tank takes charge attack (actually intended for the group to group up and take the hit together).rinse and repeat till Boss is dead. Boss 3 activate scorpions 1 at a time kill scorpion rinse and repeat, reduce Boss hp, destroy tower as a team fast as possible, healer pop protection, finish off boss. Unlike the previous dungeon there is no where you can learn mechanics practically within the game other than this dungeon, and it can fail for numerous reasons from people not knowing how to stay on top of the mimics, to tanks not being able to tank the charge attack, to not killing scorpions, not killing towers fast enough.

    Tomb of the Nine Gods - Boss 1. Person with the yellow health bar intercepts green balls otherwise its just a hack away at the boss hp. Boss 2. Hack away at the boss hp while getting rid of any enemies, especially watch out for water and electricity as well as poison and fire filling the room. Boss 3. Hack away at Boss hp avoid getting pulled off kill souls as fast as possible, rinse and repeat till dead. The puzzles in between can be completed through trial and error so I won't bother to detail them here, again as far as I know there is no where in game that prepares you for the mechanics of this dungeon.

    Castle Ravenloft - Boss 1. Some takes books lures red ghost away, kill sister, kill portal, rinse and repeat till all are dead. Tank need to watchout for curse build up that can lead to being 1 shotted, and watch out for hard hitting mobs spawning during final section. Boss 2. Reduce hp to zero as fast as possible use pullers around too interrupt its spin attack rinse and repeat till Boss is dead. 3. Reduce hp, make sure daily is ready for the sun sword, kill Boss. Again nowhere to learn mechanics outside the dungeons.

    And that is what is needed somewhere, people can go to train on the mechanics outside the dungeon. I'm sure if it was easier to learn the important mechanics for each Boss success rate would dramatically increase.
  • orangenee#2931 orangenee Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    I've never done Spellplague but at least there's a sort of practice for it. Never comes up, 7/10 times it's been T9.

    The worm is usually the trouble spot in LoMM, if the healer doesn't bother healing and/or the tank doesn't know how to tank the "zap phase" it's usually areset.

    Now I have my mic situation sorted out, I try and teach people if I know. Being in the UK and therefore on the EU servers, there can be a language barrier. Which is why I support your suggestion of a proper practice mode. I can't see it happening though.

  • toxicmephisto#4280 toxicmephisto Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    "And many of us are tired of running the same 4 dungeons every day to get our rough AD."
    So true...

  • stryker80#0653 stryker80 Member Posts: 143 Arc User

    I'm fed up having to do a skirmish, rdq and then having to skip RADQ.

    Anything but LOMM (which is still a bit iffy) is almost a guaranteed failure. People quit after one wipe usually -and in the case of T9- even the potion puzzle has led to mass abandonment.

    With regards to the topic, there's only so much Lostmauth I feel like running per day (7 streak currently), which is once.

    So I take whatever I get out of the skirmish/RDQ and have done with it.

    Personally I find spellplague has highest success rate followed by LoMM than T9 and one that seems to fail most is CR, pretty much always due to not knowing mechanics.

    Spellplague cavern - Boss 1. Wait for large iron golem to spawn, kill it, drag fire ball to Kabal, pop artifacts and proceed to kill boss rinse and repeat, kill all minions, burn chains off rinse and repeat till dead, Boss 2 stay on platform, look away when big eye appears rinse health as fast as possible, dodge and block where possible. Boss 3 Kill tentacles, go through portals kill blue flame rinse and repeat, kill all blue flame jump through portal finish off Boss, watch out for curse, let her stun you to break the curse, turn your back to avoid eye when not cursed, and watch out for portals spawning around the edge which shot out beams. This is the one dungeon where you can learn at least 2 of the bosses mechanics outside the dungeon via the cloaked ascendancy campaign, this is possibly why I would also say it should have the highest success rate.

    Lair of the Mad Mage - Boss 1 kill mimics, kill Boss, watch out for cocoon, if you get arrows pointing down seperate, if you get arrows pointing in group up. Boss 2. Usually a solo tank check but not what's intended, watch out for quick sand stay our of middle, destroy boulders, Tank takes charge attack (actually intended for the group to group up and take the hit together).rinse and repeat till Boss is dead. Boss 3 activate scorpions 1 at a time kill scorpion rinse and repeat, reduce Boss hp, destroy tower as a team fast as possible, healer pop protection, finish off boss. Unlike the previous dungeon there is no where you can learn mechanics practically within the game other than this dungeon, and it can fail for numerous reasons from people not knowing how to stay on top of the mimics, to tanks not being able to tank the charge attack, to not killing scorpions, not killing towers fast enough.

    Tomb of the Nine Gods - Boss 1. Person with the yellow health bar intercepts green balls otherwise its just a hack away at the boss hp. Boss 2. Hack away at the boss hp while getting rid of any enemies, especially watch out for water and electricity as well as poison and fire filling the room. Boss 3. Hack away at Boss hp avoid getting pulled off kill souls as fast as possible, rinse and repeat till dead. The puzzles in between can be completed through trial and error so I won't bother to detail them here, again as far as I know there is no where in game that prepares you for the mechanics of this dungeon.

    Castle Ravenloft - Boss 1. Some takes books lures red ghost away, kill sister, kill portal, rinse and repeat till all are dead. Tank need to watchout for curse build up that can lead to being 1 shotted, and watch out for hard hitting mobs spawning during final section. Boss 2. Reduce hp to zero as fast as possible use pullers around too interrupt its spin attack rinse and repeat till Boss is dead. 3. Reduce hp, make sure daily is ready for the sun sword, kill Boss. Again nowhere to learn mechanics outside the dungeons.

    And that is what is needed somewhere, people can go to train on the mechanics outside the dungeon. I'm sure if it was easier to learn the important mechanics for each Boss success rate would dramatically increase.
    Thanks for taking the time to write that out! Hopefully people will read, understand, and follow it.

    I kinda feel like "if you get arrows pointing down seperate, if you get arrows pointing in group up." should be spammed on every loading screen in-game.
  • I'm fed up having to do a skirmish, rdq and then having to skip RADQ.

    Anything but LOMM (which is still a bit iffy) is almost a guaranteed failure. People quit after one wipe usually -and in the case of T9- even the potion puzzle has led to mass abandonment.

    With regards to the topic, there's only so much Lostmauth I feel like running per day (7 streak currently), which is once.

    So I take whatever I get out of the skirmish/RDQ and have done with it.

    Personally I find spellplague has highest success rate followed by LoMM than T9 and one that seems to fail most is CR, pretty much always due to not knowing mechanics.

    Spellplague cavern - Boss 1. Wait for large iron golem to spawn, kill it, drag fire ball to Kabal, pop artifacts and proceed to kill boss rinse and repeat, kill all minions, burn chains off rinse and repeat till dead, Boss 2 stay on platform, look away when big eye appears rinse health as fast as possible, dodge and block where possible. Boss 3 Kill tentacles, go through portals kill blue flame rinse and repeat, kill all blue flame jump through portal finish off Boss, watch out for curse, let her stun you to break the curse, turn your back to avoid eye when not cursed, and watch out for portals spawning around the edge which shot out beams. This is the one dungeon where you can learn at least 2 of the bosses mechanics outside the dungeon via the cloaked ascendancy campaign, this is possibly why I would also say it should have the highest success rate.

    Lair of the Mad Mage - Boss 1 kill mimics, kill Boss, watch out for cocoon, if you get arrows pointing down seperate, if you get arrows pointing in group up. Boss 2. Usually a solo tank check but not what's intended, watch out for quick sand stay our of middle, destroy boulders, Tank takes charge attack (actually intended for the group to group up and take the hit together).rinse and repeat till Boss is dead. Boss 3 activate scorpions 1 at a time kill scorpion rinse and repeat, reduce Boss hp, destroy tower as a team fast as possible, healer pop protection, finish off boss. Unlike the previous dungeon there is no where you can learn mechanics practically within the game other than this dungeon, and it can fail for numerous reasons from people not knowing how to stay on top of the mimics, to tanks not being able to tank the charge attack, to not killing scorpions, not killing towers fast enough.

    Tomb of the Nine Gods - Boss 1. Person with the yellow health bar intercepts green balls otherwise its just a hack away at the boss hp. Boss 2. Hack away at the boss hp while getting rid of any enemies, especially watch out for water and electricity as well as poison and fire filling the room. Boss 3. Hack away at Boss hp avoid getting pulled off kill souls as fast as possible, rinse and repeat till dead. The puzzles in between can be completed through trial and error so I won't bother to detail them here, again as far as I know there is no where in game that prepares you for the mechanics of this dungeon.

    Castle Ravenloft - Boss 1. Some takes books lures red ghost away, kill sister, kill portal, rinse and repeat till all are dead. Tank need to watchout for curse build up that can lead to being 1 shotted, and watch out for hard hitting mobs spawning during final section. Boss 2. Reduce hp to zero as fast as possible use pullers around too interrupt its spin attack rinse and repeat till Boss is dead. 3. Reduce hp, make sure daily is ready for the sun sword, kill Boss. Again nowhere to learn mechanics outside the dungeons.

    And that is what is needed somewhere, people can go to train on the mechanics outside the dungeon. I'm sure if it was easier to learn the important mechanics for each Boss success rate would dramatically increase.
    I haven't pugged an advance queue or trial queue until today. My toon was an alt barbarian at 72K item level. Got Crown of Keldegonn and I was the only one who knew the mechanics of the trial. It was an absolute wipe in the first phase, even the basic of the red circles under your feet to move away from the group as to not create a DoT area. I also found that although the other players item level met the minimum queue requirements, their stats were nowhere near optimal to succeed in the trial.

  • trinity706#8838 trinity706 Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    Players used to be able to get RAD from their personal efforts, then RQ’s were introduced and players began having to carry others just so they could get their own rewards and players almost immediately began taking advantage of the situation. Then an account wide RAD conversion cap was introduced… So no, personally don’t agree with increasing rewards overall for minimal/less effort in regard to RQ’s. If there was some kind of RAD bonus based on performance so that higher ilvl players actually get rewarded for carrying others, then yes, increase THEIR rewards. There are a lot of players that intentionally under perform in content, continually get rewarded for it and continuing to reward/rewarding that kind of behavior even more is crazy.

    As far as raising level/ilvl requirements, it sounds reasonable.
    - Or, the overall ilvl of the group could determine the amount of scaling in the content (lower ilvl equals less scaling and vice versa).
    - Or, if you queue solo you are grouped with similar ilvl players and the content scaled appropriately.
    In regard to raising requirements the “casual” players (newer ones especially?) will more than likely complain like hell that they can’t do anything without doing so much, it takes too long to get to whatever level/ilvl, they feel left out, they were going to spend money but the game is too hard, etc., etc… These days the casual player base is essentially the focus of Neverwinter and things that will/can upset them probably will be less likely to be considered.

    RAD conversion is capped though there are various ways to acquire uncapped AD yet people consciously don’t delve into those avenues yet still keep complaining about RAD from RQ’s…

    Simply raising the bonus/repeat values for lower tier content will arguably incline the player base to run that content more and the higher tier content less. Less players running higher tier RQ’s means less players in the pool to possibly earn the current high tier seal, less people getting seal equipment for other characters, etc. For the most part players already want the bonus RAD the easiest way and allowing the RDQ and RSQ to be repeated for higher amounts is kind of ridiculous. Why? In part, the chest(s) at the end of queues already grant RAD (in varying amounts) and sometimes AD directly. Players can simply run two RSQ’s/RDQ’s and get around 20k RAD simply from the current repeat bonus and the chest(s) as is…

    A lot of players seem to ignore/claim to not know that RQ’s simply grant bonus RAD, the chests at the end will STILL grant whatever they are going to grant if you queue for specific content. In the time it takes to wait on and possibly complete a RTQ, players could arguably directly queue for and complete 2-3 Assault on Svardborg’s AND get more RAD/rewards… Though that will require more effort, and players tend to want more reward for less/the same amount of effort and it shows… If you don’t like specific content in a RQ tier, queue for the specific content you prefer, get your chest rewards and call it a day.
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