As the title suggests, I feel like loadout slots, while it was a great addition many moons ago, would be even more relevant if they were available to change anywhere.
One reason for this is that in normal combat, AOE is typically the most used loadout, however for mini bosses and bosses, it's often more advantageous to switch to single target loadouts.
Some bosses don't have campfires right before, and none of them have after to switch loadout back and forth. I feel like the loadout system would be vastly improved by allowing this at any time.
Also many players may purchase more of them in order to switch boons and such (like movement speed bonus/mount speed bonus/revive sickness boons. This would allow more fluid transitions during different types of content without having to constantly search for a campfire, or clicking through tabs to change gear/powers/boons.
On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"

There is no real reason that I can see to not allow us to switch anywhere out of combat. I keep running into the same scenarios every time. Either I have to play some content with the wrong loadout or I have to spend the time to find a campfire and waste my time. Both options are annoying and ruin the fun.
▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Gankdalf The Icehole █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁
Once you die and right at moment use resurection scrool, you are considered out of combat, so you swap loadout.
Need more examples how it would be exploited?
In dungeons are enough campfires, where you can change loadouts.
In adventures zones, most of times you will use AoE cuz there are not tough enemies which would require change loadout for single target.
So why you need this feature, to be able swap loadouts each time you are out of combat??
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Gankdalf The Icehole █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁
The point is, most people wouldn't be doing that in a fight, the main advantage of a "loadout" is swapping abilities and gear. It doesn't reset cooldowns on items such as artifacts or useable items. So... I don't think it's the issue you'd like to make it out to be mate, sorry.
Also, the very first thing I said was counter to your "In dungeons are enough campfires, where you can change loadouts." statement, and most of the players I play with agree with this sentiment, so perhaps you should poll some others?
It's a QOL improvement, and if you don't like it, fair enough, but it would actually improve gameplay, make swapping more fluid, and *likely* wind up selling more loadout slots so... win/win/win imho!
In GW2 you can switch builds anywhere and your loadouts are split up nicely so you can choose to just switch gear or just switch skill set.
They promised about achievements meaning something, GW2 has it.
People asked for materials to be shared between toons, GW2 has it.
Flying mounts have been asked for, GW2 has it.
Rewarding content, GW2 has it.
A zax that isn't a 1 year wait, but rather instant, you guessed it! GW2 has it.
NW is a mess because they just don't care, we constantly see that.