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Mechanical difficulties with Arbiter Clerics

play10#3349 play10 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
Mechanical difficulties with Arbiter Clerics and some of them could be classified as bugs, but since I'm not sure, I thought I'd post here.
a) Searing Javelin (SJ) works as a targeted skill. However, if the target leaves, walks away or dies, the SJ is not activated, therefore it is lost. Since there are other targets in the same direction, SJ should be activated. This skill is the DC Arbiter's main source of damage in AoE, so it is necessary to change it in order to keep activated as there are other targets (enemies) in the original targeted direction.
b) Report Bug: In the first Boss of Lair of the mad mage Skill Dauting Light is not targeting mimics. Correction is needed.
c) Can some kind of improvement be made to the divine recovery speed when activating Perfect Balance (PB)? There is a potential problem when PB is not processed or sometimes your PB takes a long time to be processed. So, you basically wasted the stacks at the end that you could have used to do more damage.
d) Some class feats/class features are useless, like those that give damage reduction when praying or the 5% damage no group nearby or healing over time when praying. The Arbiter lacks feats/class features that increase percentage for example of status, action points or damage like other dps classes have.
Finally, check if the FORTE is correctly active in the Class. I notice that other classes are very easy to organize stats without the need to use enchantments or boosts when compared to Cleric.
Any input from other Arbiter Cleric networks will be appreciated.


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    liadan1984#8734 liadan1984 Member Posts: 315 Arc User
    The Focused Light bug has been reported a few times.

    Here is one: https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter#/discussion/comment/13201229
    Finally received a response last month, yet to receive a follow up.

    As for everything else.

    I haven't encountered a) - I'll pay more attention to this
    c - Yes, Perfect Balance often does take too long to convert. If I have kept track of my stacks, I'm using that time to build up my red pips for either Forgemasters Flame or Searing Javelin - Depending on if I'm single target or AoE, but more often than not I've hit tab to convert any pip's, and then gotten annoyed at the uselessness of that action.

    A class feature to increase AP gain for both Arbiter/Devout would be nice, but I can't see them making changes to class features now.
    Co-Guild Leader
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    pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    TAB too soon after a Sudden Verdict proc and you don't consume all the pips but when you release TAB and try again it's on cooldown. Additional pips added while you are channeling should automatically convert

    Since mod 22 launch, having Lightspeed active prevents Focused Light from proccing until you throw an AOE Daunting to clear the proc. Previously, the feats overrode each other making it easy to switch from AOE to ST.

    Daunting Light was designed with the size and speed it has during the development of the game 2012-2013. It was small and slow because it hit as hard as the Rogue power Lashing Blade... Now it isn't that strong of an attack, but it still has the same limitations.

    The '... is not a valid target' and annoying tracking of Searing Javelin are the major headache Arbiter faces in AOE. In an instant your power fails to fire or only hits a single target. If you are really unlucky, the new direction the power shot out towards has mobs that you just aggroed.

    All classes have terrible feats. Cleric is probably second worst, after Barbarian/GWF.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
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    darkbrooderdmdarkbrooderdm Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    My arbiter cleric tab (for consuming stacks to restore divinity) instead just heals me, any fixes for this?
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    oracle#9179 oracle Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    I'd like to second the Searing Javelin issue. Without it, arbiter AOE is simply not viable. Allow it to fire in the chosen direction without a target, like the bard's Con Moto power. This would also allow us to use it more effectively in situations such as when there are two targets very close together and you want to hit both by sending a Searing Javelin right between them. It also avoids the issue of your aim changing drastically when your target moves. If it is close to you, or does a leaping or charging attack, you can easily end up firing the javelin in a completely different, undesired direction - not hitting the group of mobs you wanted to hit, and aggroing a completely different set of them that you may not be prepared to handle.
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