Please tell me if you think this is a satisfying answer. My money has disappeared all the time since the tier 3 workshop upgrade. All of a sudden it costs way more than before to craft and I thought I would get new things I could make like the tier 2 upgrade? But there is nothing new I can make, to make anything I have to sell my alexandrites from opening up lock boxes and run to my workshop before it disappears if I need something. This is the response I just got , oh never mind, it wont paste on here, basically they said the largest amount of gold had been consumed in the dread ring and well of the dragons and they cant undo past transactions and any gold in the future would have to be obtained the normal way. I havent been in any transactions where I bought anythhing,
I havent even sold anything because the money disappears. What is wrong with the support people here.
Remove all tasks, both crafting and gathering, check if money disappear.
if it doesn't, it's the tasks, if it does, it is not workshop related at all.
If it's the tasks, then do a single crafting or gathering task, and compare how much you though it costs to how much money it took. Repeat until issue found.
99% this is not some game bug, or game issue.
Are you making keys? Valindra's Tower Key, 3gp. Tuern Key 3gp. Lostmauth Key 5gp, Tiamat Key 5gp.
That could add up to 16gp a day.
A lot of the older campaigns have different requirements for obtaining keys. It may be worthwhile to double check each one before making any more.
Choose what you want to make.
Check the commission cost.
Add the worker.
Check the commission cost again.
The cost should change if the worker's commission is + or -. If it is neither, the cost won't change.
The cost of keys is removed when you click the key making box. If you don't have everything you need at the time, making a key is not possible.
There are also artifacts that can add to your gold gain.
You said "My money disappears while I am on a dungeon run or skirmish or simply slaying people anyway. ".
Let us focus on this one to convince people about your case.
1. stop all crafting and stop all gathering.
2. Move all your gold/silver/copper to the bank.
3. Move back 5 gold back to your purse so that your purse has only 5 gold 0 silver and 0 copper.
4. Do a dungeon.
5. Check the gold balance in your purse.
If what you said is right, you will have less than 5 gold after the dungeon. I expect you will have >= 5 gold though.
If that does not show your problem, do the above 5 steps again (to reset to 5 gold 0 silver and 0 copper in the purse) and replace #4 for another activity such as do a skirmish.
You assume someone will magically solve your issues. Obviously that doesn't happen, then you either need to help people troubleshoot, and that means doing what people ask and reporting back, not "barely craft" but actually test and report step by step, what happened and what not.
Screenshots and names of your gear, recording the amount of gold, video's and so on.
But again, if you are looking for someone in support to fix it, your are mostly at the wrong place, there are no support personnel here. Only fellow players. Once per week the CM, and once in in few years someone from QA.
I would also wager that most players here know the game and its issues better than the support but likes was said, good luck to you.
It will be hilarious if it's Gambit's gauntlets (do they still exist?) or some such.
One idea to help figuring out what is draining your gold can be to put all your coins in your bank before disconnecting.
It should effectively put an end to any "invisible" on-going gold consuming task that reconducts itself automatically as there wouldn't have any gold on your toon to pay for the next iteration.
When you reconnect the next day, you can check the messages in the chatbox, I can't remember the exact chanel name, but there is one that can send messages (yellow by default) for each task finished, including those during your disconnecting time.
If nothing there, then grab 5 gold on you, do not launch any new task at all (campaign or workshop), do not buy anything, immediately run a dungeon and check how much gold you have at the end.
If you have less than 5 gold, then your problem isn't workshop/campaign task related.
If it's workshop related.
Craft something with your morale. If the thing you are crafting costs you more than it should in gold, provide us screenshots of the crafting panel before/after you did one craft so we can understand what's going on.
If cost is ok, then craft the same thing normally (without morale) one time. Wait until task is finished, and then check if it has cost you the same as when you crafted it with morale.
Forum is not really the support, it's 99,5% other players and communication by the CM. About an issue, you will most likely only find some players who maybe are of good will and may try to help you. Without one of us being behind your screen, we can only make guesses and assumptions according to how you have described and documented your issue.
Alternately (in fact you should have started with that) you can contact the support team here, in the read circle :
Not unlikely ^^.
Back when i was new the game (mod10.5), the first piece of equipment I looted in the 2nd dungeon I completed after hiting level 70 (eLoL) were "les gantelets du changeur" (sorry I only know the french name :P), and I immediately equiped them as they were "recommanded" and seemed way better than my previous ones.
It took me one full week, being mad about why I suddenly had way less gold than my brother although we were 90% of the time playing the content together and despite I had the half-elf racial gold bonus, to figure out those gauntlets were draining my gold with each attack i was making.
Since then, I carefully read the items descriptions (including the little "story" if any), and more generally all the tooltips.
Those gauntlets were still droping in eLoL/eSoT during mod 21 (I have it as fashion with my bard), but I don't know if it's still the case in mod22 (as i'm barely playing 2h/week since the enchant update...).
He provided next to 0 useful information in all his threads. People asked questions. He did not answer. He is not helping others who tried to help him. Even if dev is willing to help, they can't because there is not enough information.
You've been asked to post exactly when your gold disappears and how much. There isn't a single post that actually describes exactly what happens.
Only a broken record "I've upgraded workshop". We know you've upgraded the workshop, we got it from the first post, most do not believe it's relevant.
There is a mix of unrelated things there, stepping on gold? How is that related? You can confirm that once you pickup gold your gold reduced? And not before when you hit? If it on pickup and you had gold before, how is it workshop related then?
Make a video, upload it.
And posting on people's walls is not "providing information" it's just harassing people.
(Who bets on Gambit's gauntlets ?)
In the tooltip it says "Your attack have a chance to cause extra damage, but at a financial cost." They use up gold as you fight things, but it doesn't explicitly say it... a bit sneaky!
There is another set of gloves like this too I think, here they are, from Undermountain's_Stolen_Gloves
Please check the tooltip of your gloves again, it does fit your description of what is happening.
Go in game
Hit the "print screen" key on your keyboard
Open paint (or any image editing software)
ctrl+v in paint
save the image directly on your desktop (preferentially in .jpeg or .png format) so you can find it easily .
upload the image (for exemple here )
copy the link given by the hosting site for your image in your next forum message
Let me copy and paste again:
Let us focus on this one to convince people about your case.
1. stop all crafting and stop all gathering.
2. Move all your gold/silver/copper to the bank.
3. Move back 5 gold back to your purse so that your purse has only 5 gold 0 silver and 0 copper.
4. Do a dungeon.
5. Check the gold balance in your purse.
If what you said is right, you will have less than 5 gold after the dungeon. I expect you will have >= 5 gold though.
If that does not show your problem, do the above 5 steps again (to reset to 5 gold 0 silver and 0 copper in the purse) and replace #4 for another activity such as do a skirmish.
Windows key and shift S
Wait a bit. You will see a + cursor.
Use the mouse to draw a rectangle to capture the portion of the screen what you want to capture.
Bring up "Paint". Ctrl-V to paste.