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TOMM Hypo Not Spreading Damage?

deadmano#4272 deadmano Member Posts: 74 Arc User
edited March 2022 in Bug Reports (PC)
So I'm reporting what I can only imagine is a bug. Sadly I didn't get a good look at numbers, or had ACT running, but from the hundreds of times running I don't recall hypo ever being an issue for a tank who has maxed out (90%) defense and awareness as well as over 1M HP while having mitigation from Sigil of the Paladin and the Cleric's Astral Shield as well as Shift-Tabbing as a Paladin AND max Earthen Weapon stacks for DR with two others (random DPS and the healer) sharing damage.

I dunno, maybe it's just me, but it blew my mind, as that has never happened before and I've tanked it with so many different configurations. This has been an ongoing issue for a while now, and I've checked to ensure it isn't something related to my gear.

The strangest part is that the healer who shared in the hypo barely took any damage at all...

Here's a recording showcasing the issue.

Perhaps someone can enlighten me?


  • deadmano#4272 deadmano Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    I've also had other weird things happen... Him not switching in time when you have aggro...

    I also took 0 damage from a fireball?

    Is he just having a bad day?
  • sekosek#5740 sekosek Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    Hypo places a debuff on you which can be seen on your buffbar. If you get hit by another hypo while having this debuff, it deals extra damage, I don't know how much extra damage exactly, but it basically one shots you even as a tank. So if you get hit by 2 hypos at the same time you are pretty much dead. And thats what happened, you were staying close to the other party and got hit by both of the hypos. The Ranger came next to you on the last second also died to this.

    About fireball, it has been bugged since, I dont know, for a long time. If you take it right after it spawns, it deals 0 damage. You can do it as a dps or healer, it does not matter.

    On the aggro video, its hard to comment because video starts kind of late. It seems like you took the aggro after Halaster already started his atwill attacks on the dps, so Halaster followed the dps until the animation/duration of those atwill attacks. Halaster does not change the target during its mechanics/animations if you take aggro in the middle of it, it swaps after animation is done, which already happened in the video.
  • deadmano#4272 deadmano Member Posts: 74 Arc User

    So if you get hit by 2 hypos at the same time you are pretty much dead. And thats what happened, you were staying close to the other party and got hit by both of the hypos. The Ranger came next to you on the last second also died to this.

    I've tried rewatching several times, but it seems I am in the clear; hard to tell without logs. Did you see something I didn't to confirm I did actually get hit by both hypos? Is the effect of it extending past its outer circle or something?

    Also, this doesn't explain how the healer barely took any damage, at all, and this has consistently been a thing, especially when there hasn't been any potential stacking involved. Healer survives without a scratch, tank just melts.
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    edited March 2022

    That was the server frame you were in and the deciding one for the Hypo, you can see the next couple the far Hypo holder dodging out but the Hypo targets were already set, and now it's damage animation.

    Dodging counts you in the place until the animation ends, so while they were dodge animating, they didn't actually move. This is a case where just walking would have worked better.

    There could also be small delay between the selection, and proc (lag, server frames and other factors). Also you can see their movment inside, I've marked with arrow. If the server uses interpolation (very commonly used to mitigate lag), it would assume that they keep moving inside further overlapping for the deciding frame.
    Post edited by micky1p00 on
  • sekosek#5740 sekosek Member Posts: 120 Arc User

    So if you get hit by 2 hypos at the same time you are pretty much dead. And thats what happened, you were staying close to the other party and got hit by both of the hypos. The Ranger came next to you on the last second also died to this.

    I've tried rewatching several times, but it seems I am in the clear; hard to tell without logs. Did you see something I didn't to confirm I did actually get hit by both hypos? Is the effect of it extending past its outer circle or something?

    Also, this doesn't explain how the healer barely took any damage, at all, and this has consistently been a thing, especially when there hasn't been any potential stacking involved. Healer survives without a scratch, tank just melts.
    As micky1p00 showed above, you can see the aoe of the hypos, they are a bit larger than arrow indications. Healer was a bit far away behind you so she did not get hit by the other hypo there.
    This mechanic has been there since its release, basically 2 stacks of hypo = dead, nothing new.
  • deadmano#4272 deadmano Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    Thanks for clarifying both @micky1p00 and @sekosek, I appreciate it! I believe with the higher latency I often play with, that'd make sense, especially considering where the server sees me (and the healer as a result since we play on the same line) versus where I see myself on the client side. I've had this happen in other content too, such as in Vault of Stars last boss where I visually clear a bosses AoE indicator but I still die to the attack.

    One last thing that is still irking me, aside from all the rest now explained, is how the healer took so little damage where she was clearly in place to share the hypo? The amount of damage shared then does not seem proportionate?
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    Seems normal to me, she had a blue shield, and had about a fifth or sixth lost of HP lost after the shield. That's while sharing with 2 people, and inside what looks like two or three protection buffs.
  • sekosek#5740 sekosek Member Posts: 120 Arc User

    One last thing that is still irking me, aside from all the rest now explained, is how the healer took so little damage where she was clearly in place to share the hypo? The amount of damage shared then does not seem proportionate?

    She had Paladin Sigil + Astral Shield giving extra damage reduction, she also had around ~30% blue shield. That hypo hit 3 people; you, her and that Ranger. After hypo hit, she barely loses some hp, so hypo hit around ~40-45% hp to her. I dont know how much defensive stats/hp/item level she has, but if she has averagely around 900k-1m hp, hypo dealt like 400k damage. Also we dont know if the hit was a crit/non crit/deflect/non deflect. Would need an act to see how much it actually dealt.

  • deadmano#4272 deadmano Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    Makes sense, which is what I thought and why I was so confused when I died and she didn't, but the stacking as explained above is what I was missing. Thank you for taking the time and effort explaining it, both of you, I appreciate it!
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