Hello, Zerstorer is here.
My name is Artem and I do play Neverwinter since Lost city of Omu - Ravenloft modules. I like this game, I started playing because I do not own a very decent PC (I still have the same Athlon II x4 645, GT 630 and 8 GB RAM) and I wanted to try a new genre - MMO RPG. I also have never heard about DND, but I felt in love in NW. I’ve spend a lot of time, but now I can’t play Neverwinter anymore due to Win 7. That’s OK, but I want to share my thoughts about few things in NW and about my class especially (Played only Warlock). Developers may fix something in near future or not, but it is what it is as for now (16.02.2022). So, let’s get started.
=== WARLOCK ===- No matter which last Feat I want to choose, cooldown on my Curse Bite WILL NOT decrease under certain circumctances (-0.5 sec. thanks to my Soul Puppet’s hits or up to -3 sec. thanks to my Soul Scorch). So, if this power counts as an ENCOUNTER power then why the hell there is NO information in any tooltips about this exception?
- What a mess about Soul Spark generation! Earlier there was an info-box which said that EVERY At-will hit can generate a Soul Spark (Up to 3 if we are using Dark Helix/Spiral Aura; 1 if we are using Eldritch Blast; 1 for every portion of DOT if we are using Hellish Rebuke; 1 if we are using Hand of Blight at melee distance). So, at least Dark Helix/Spiral Aura and Eldritch Blast are missing this info since… Well, for a very long time now. But also that info-box said that we can generate a Soul Spark if we CRIT and that could be up to 50% of our combat time! And here comes the mess:
--- If we are using, for example, Blades of Vanquished Armies and this Encounter power crits 3 times in a row (3 ticks, 6 sec. duration), it creates 3 Soul Sparks. So, I assume every Encounter power which may have some DOT-effects will generate Soul Sparks for every crit portion of DOT, right?
--- Then I use my Hadar’s Grasp with consuming my curse, so, it crits 6 times (6 ticks, 3 sec. duration), but… It literally generates just ONE Soul Spark. Why?
--- Same for Soul Scorch
--- Same for Flames of Phlegethos
I can now tell you why. The reason behind this is simple: Hadar’s Grasp, Soul Scorch and Flames of Phlegethos DO NOT have their tick separated which means if this Encounter power/Daily power crits at the very first tick, then every other tick will be critical TOO but they DO NOT contribute to your Soul Spark generation. Unlike Blades of Vanquished Armies, Dreadtheft and (As I remember from yesterday’s test) Hellfire Ring have their ticks separately calculated, so, they may crit or not and thus they 100% contribute to your overall Soul Spark generation. Here comes a question - where the hell an ordinary player will know about these “hidden” mechanics? From missing tooltip? From outdated Wikipedia? A ritoric question, of course!
P.S. I think I don’t need to remind that every Soul Spark we have passively increases our damage. What I said above means we can potentially lose some damage when we use our power right after, for example, Hadar’s Grasp.
- My huge gratitude to Creeping Death change, which no longer stacks from different Warlock players, so, I suppose one of them will miss a portion of their own damage at the end statistic chart.
- Ah, Creeping Death critical hits now also DO NOT gererate any tiny Soul Spark. What a shame (I say that because earlier Creeping Death couldn’t crit).
- Whenever I try to consume my curse with Hadar’s Grasp if my Soul Puppet is alive, then it grants me a stack of Soul Investiture and ALSO should refresh my Puppet’s life timer (20 sec.), right? NO! It DOESNT refresh it! So, if I want to play with Double Scorch and Risky Investment Feats I will NEVER gain all 5 stacks of my Soul Investiture. And also, why we don’t have in our arsenal any other Encounter power which may summon a Soul Puppet by DEFAULT besides Hadar’s Grasp?
- Why Hand of Blight, Hellish Rebuke and Fiery Bolt may proc our Deadly Curse Class feature TWICE in a hit, but not, for example Eldritch Blast?
- Why Curse Bite still is NOT affected by Sniper perk from ToMM rings? I mean this Encounter power in its description has a maximum range which, in my humble opinion, technically classifies Curse Bite as a RANGE Encounter power, but I get NO damage buff from perk!
- Why DOT from Hellfire Ring is ALSO not affected by Sniper perk? But, lol, DOT from Hellish Rebuke is! Can you clarify how do these 2 DOTs differ from each other?
=== OTHER THINGS ===- Why there are many different types of damage (Necrotic, poison, fire etc) when EVERY enemy in Neverwinter does not have any resistance to certain types of damage, as far as i know? For example, Grim Dawn: I can make Acid and Poison pet build on my Ritualist, but since there are plenty of enemies which can be highly resistant to it, I need some skills which can reduce their protection and sometimes even convert positive numbers to negative, so, I would deal much more damage. So, what about this game? Another useless information in combat logs and description of skills, which serves as a simple junk.
- What is the use for Seals of the Adventurer for mid/end-game player? To buy 500 rough AD for 500 seals? Why such abysmal amount?
- I still got at least 1 Amethyst from The Need from Mead daily quest - FIXED, now there are only Black Pearls dropping from enemies.
- We still may earn:
--- Gigantic enchanting stones from SKT campaign after completing certain tasks
--- Draconic enchanting stones from Tyranny of Dragons campaign after completing certain tasks
--- Demonic enchanting stones which drop from Castle Never (Don’t forget about Shadowclad armor enchantment which drops too!), Gigantic from FBI, Wicked from Master Spellplague Caverns, Black Ice from Heroic Encounters in Icewind Dale campaign areas/Kessel's Retreat and Draconic from Tiamat/SoT/Lostmauth (Not sure about Tiamat, but I got one at least a week ago)
--- !THIS! Loamweave at the ZEN shop. For what? For illusion?
- Not much time ago we had our Tymora and Challenge of Gods events, we earned tons of UNIQUE, again, UNIQUE (Because they are from LIMITED events which are NOT available during all the year) but kinda useless Enchanting stones (Tymora’s Lucky and Vicious) which can be, according to the new exchange vendor, equated to what, Black pearls which drop from enemies here and there? I mean I can only sell them for gold or refine them to RP. Good to know, thanks! But what about, hmm, Woven Tales, Quartermaster's or even Fey Blessing and Dragon's Hoard low ranks Enchantments which could be CRAFTED from Old Sharandar and Old Tyranny of Dragons tasks (Which I did, but I was too new to the game at that time)? So, junk “limited/unique” items are the same as common refining stones (Black pearls) I guess…
Im not talking about other low ranks Enchantments which we obtained from other limited events like Coins of Waukeen or CTA (Garrundar the Vile, for example) or even low ranks MOPs from Invocation bags.
- Skill nodes STILL do not drop any sort of new crafting materials for profession after you reworked a Workshop, there is absolutely no point to even OPEN them (For what, 6 silver junk treasure and sometimes green Insignia?). I do remember I wasted 8 Nature kits to open a single Skill node in Barovia (Even screenshotted that).
- Merielle Begum STILL don’t want to buy our, excuse me, 70+ LVL crafting materials according to the old leveling system, only up to 70. I though I could exchange some high LVL resources which I got during Tymora’s event for South Sea Trading Company credits , but no.
Also few minor bugs which still do exist in the game.
- Raiding Party (Big HE, Sea of Moving Ice) still contains enemies who AREN'T classified as HE mobs with their gold HP bars (White Polar Bears), but i must say they count as kills which are in HE objective.
- Wagon Under Attack (Minor HE, Dwarven Valley) still contains enemies who AREN'T classified as HE mobs with their silver HP bars (HE right from the middle of the map).
- Vallenhas insurgencies sometimes DO NOT count as completed thus you get NO reward
- Tymora's Lucky Enchantment can give us White Pearls and Peridots which are NOT doubled during 2x event - that was earlier before the new refining system
- !THIS! Fragmented Key of Stars can be used at a distance, but the tentacle will appear and thus damage enemies around it ONLY if used at a very close range (Its better to use this artifact right next to my character)
Like I said earlier, that my very first game in MMO RPG genre and I enjoyed it, but well, seems like we go our separate ways. Even if I upgrade my PC I highly doubt I may return in NW. I hope developers will fix something from what I listed above and prioritize quality and fixes over new rushed content and new items in ZEN shop. So, here are my last words - THANK YOU, Neverwinter and GOOD BYE!
P.S. Some in-game achievments are still broken.
P.P.S. I played at Russian server (I can’t say anything good about that community, though there were only few people truly kind and helpful who I met on my way), so, all information may (And I think WILL) be different from English version, apart from many mistakes in translations and misleading tooltips. At least I tried to double-check my words using official Wikipedia (Eg. Skill names)
It is me below in January right before Mod 22
![:) :)](https://forum.arcgames.com/neverwinter/plugins/emojiextender/emoji/twitter/smile.png)
In style with my back story and Decaying stag mount!
I apologize for any mistakes since i'm not a native English speaker and when i started writing it was 5 AM, oh...
Had to remove enchants from my toons so my main can be played , been here since open beta and like the game too.
But this is going too far , maybe I need some time off because I am realy disappoint in this game right now.
However it sounds to me like you are having other issues than just a late model PC. Also your English is just fine, kak mon pyccknn?
PSN Zen AD Exchange - Forecasting Spreadsheet