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NW's Latest Adventure

oktlryk#2717 oktlryk Member Posts: 149 Arc User
edited January 2022 in General Discussion (PC)
Next up is a new Adventure in the Vale too - and it looks like it's gonna be exciting - a continuation of this campaign's storyline I'd guess from the looks of it! And more stories about the Vale is really great! I'd like to know more about it, more of the Lore and the Myth in the Vale - more about the Dragons of the Vale - Maybe it's gonna lead into that great ol' multiverse like the one we'd heard of on the DnD manuals recently - check out this link:

DragonSight and What it Means (GreatWyrmz)

I really am super excited by this new adventure and I hope along with more great Lore and Story there will be more great gear and weapons!!! TY and L8er!

Edit: Check this YT out too: D&D GreatWyrmz


  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,167 Arc User
    edited January 2022
    The game is Neverwinter. Bad enough the game has gone to places like Avernus. It should stay in the Realms.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • urlord283urlord283 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,084 Arc User
    The Name is Neverwinter but I like the variety.
  • fritz#8093 fritz Member Posts: 439 Arc User
    edited January 2022
    If you want to experience the Adventure yourself, stop reading.

    I just finished the Adventure on the PTS. It took less than 30 minutes. Not only is that substantially lower than other adventures (some of which admittedly were full campaigns at some point) for 100k ADs, Boons, and "bis" item level Companion Gear, it's also completely dull. After the intro it's six fetch quests and an instance. Which, again, is running around clicking and killing stuff. At least the Companion Gear is BtA although that's completely inconsistent with the 1350 gear you get from faction reputation. Even though it's three pieces, the amount of time and effort you need to put into reaching Rank 4 is much much higher than completing the Adventure for one BtA piece.

    I'm not big on D&D lore and story, but the the gameplay design in terms of fun and excitement is a disappointment. It's 30 minutes of boring quests with two cutscenes and a known boss fight since Module 2.

    Suggestions going forward:
    - The last instance should be a group thing. Not a true challenge, but enough mechanics that you need more than one player to complete.
    - The Scaleblight Summit should at least turn into a Weekly. This being one and done content (at least right now) is a waste of resources.
    - Adventures should be story driven. I'd rather have long cutscenes, exploration, and new elements instead of "more of the same".
  • oktlryk#2717 oktlryk Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    oh - well, I suppose its not gonna be all thaaat - lol - just watched it on YT - yup - ain't that interesting true - lol - well there's always mod 23! and I really hope they have better HEs - lol - dragon fight's are some of the best HEs if u ask me - and also the RD type - maybe EE has nice ones but not many ppl are around there for those ones to really shine - lol

    - and sure enough story driven content is the best kind of content especially with all these other supplements about (DnD stuff, almost the biggest content in any RPG) - Lots of games are going into those areas, while DnD has actually defined the genre - lol - imagine a truely fascinating story driven campaign - lol - it'd be incredible! - ty and l8er!
  • sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User
    greywynd said:

    The game is Neverwinter. Bad enough the game has gone to places like Avernus. It should stay in the Realms.

    I both agree and disagree, I am glad they allowed us a trip to Ravenloft, but I agree they shouldn't have made Stardock. Stardock was a complete waste of effort and no one can even tell if they finished it. I believe they should remain focused on Neverwinter aka the Sword Coast. Maybe a trip over to Luskan? I was working with a company as a writer, they wanted a Luskan plot for a game, but the company went defunct before it got off the ground. But hey, I got paid!

    If we still had the UGC here, I would be here writing it up. Nice little filler for long waits between modules. Oh well, shoulda woulda coulda. One of the key features of UGC is to create original tales based on the content.
  • oktlryk#2717 oktlryk Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    Yeah - NW's like one of the few D&D based worlds around - or the most popular anyway - it's probably acting as a service provisioning agency for the whole of Faerun! - lol - IDK about what you guys are reminiscing as I only started playing during Avernus - but I really enjoy these other regions! I even harbor the hope that someday an MMO (maybe even this one) would encompass the whole multiverse and have gargantuan scale maps and content based on D&D!
  • hotfrostwormhotfrostworm Member Posts: 448 Arc User
    I know the first issue with games based on someone's intellectual property is getting their permission to use the property. Sometimes you can just ask and they will say, sure go for it! Most of the time money and lawyers get in the mix and then the answer can still be no. The parody musician "Weird" Al Yankovic has to get permission from the artist/songwriter to make his parodies. Coolio was initially against "Amish Paradise", while others like Kurt Cobain felt like it was a badge of honor.

    Cryptic went with the generic superhero game Champions (by Hero Games) because they did all the work for Marvel, and in the end, Marvel handed the IP rights to Microsoft. Star Trek has to go through CBS and Neverwinter needs to get the permission from Wizards of Coast. It is highly unlikely they could get all these D&D realms under one roof.

    Currently Warner Bros. Entertainment owns Ebberon (aka DDO) and is indirect competition of this game. Some people would like to see characters such as warforged here, but they are part of the Ebberon universe. Ravenloft was done in both games, DDO (as a paid expansion) and Neverwinter as a module. Travel to other dimensional planes has been in D&D since it was owned by TSR.

    Personally I really don't care much for video games based on TV shows, movies, books, and other current media. I like original worlds with no connections to anything I have ever experienced. Wendy and Mr. Blargskull both play Black Desert, which is suppose to be "other worldly". While they have strange creatures in a semi-steampunk universe, they still have the default Earth moon at night. Many of these games do that for good reason. My wife points out it rises in the southwest and sets in the west, but it is still a typical Earth moon. There are a lot of games that don't take place on Earth but need some connections to tie the player mentally to the new realm. These games don't require permission to make new places or creatures as they are original properties.
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