When I change Loadouts, some of the enchants are dropped in the inventory and shows them red in the character slot as if they were not available.
Even if I put same type to the same place this happens. Sometimes 1, sometimes 5 enchants are not equipped with loadout change.
Like when it is missing 1 Jade enchantment, I can not find it in the inventory. I drop out another Jade from the character, suddenly 2 Jade enchantments appear in the inventory. So at item change some enchantments become "invisible".
And to be even more messed up if 1 Jade is missing from defense slot, I drop 1 Jade out of Offensive slot, only 1 Jade is shown in the inventory. put back the Jade to Off slot still nothing. I drop 1 Jade from Defense slot, then 2 Jades appear in the inventory.
So it seems this error appears if same type of Enchants are in Offensive and Defensive slot and at least 2 in off or def slot.