Goal of the build :
To verify if healing threat generation is good enough to be used as main threat source in endgame content and increase effectiveness in solo content and easily swap between effective tank/healer role. This setup has been tested and found 100% viable for TOMM and HC VoS.
Justicar gear and stats :

Explanation of gear choices :
All gear choices made with the goal of maximising offensive stats and outgoing healing.
The offensive stats (power,combat advantage, crit and crit severity) all increase damage dealt, and damage dealt equals threat generated. The same logic applies to outgoing healing. Chest piece for increasing awareness stat in party.
Armor reinforced with Power kits, Neck/Belt/Rings with Awareness kits.
The Lionheart set buffs both damage and outgoing healing, meaning a 15% increase to Bloodtheft heals, the same goes for the neck/belt/artifact set. Masterwork set would be a viable option. For adventure zones I run Mirage.
Paladin shift and TAB activates the Red Eye's Glare equip bonus (+5% crit)
The Bloodtheft armor enchantment is affected by both incoming and outgoing healing, If lucky, it activates when high damage is dealt.

The Holy Avenger weapon enchantment is affected by both incoming and outgoing healing, making it a very good threat generator. Lightning enchantment replaces Holy Avenger for adventure zones.
Gear enchantments :
Weapon/Offhand offensive slots : 1x Radiant, 1x Heart of Fire and 1x Tenebrous
Armor/Jewelry offensive slots : Demonic
Armor Jewelry defensive slots : Assassin's
The Band of Air increases total damage dealt by 25%, making it best in slot for threat generation, can be replaced by The Groves Crystal Tears like in screenshot.
Companions, mounts and boons used for both loadouts :

Explanation of companion, mounts and boons choices :
This setup is the best i found to maximise defensive, offensive and outgoing healing stats. The summoned Golden Bulette is of course replaced by any non-augment companion in adventure zones.
Companion gear Critical Severity stat and 2x offensive runestone slots.
The rank 1 - 4 campaign boons are spent on Power, Hit Points, Crit, Crit Sev, Movement speed. Maxing these will have you end up with a few (9) boon points you can slot wherever you want.
Collars in use : Outgoing healing, AP gain, At-Will damage and Movement speed.
Insignia Bonuses :
2x Gladiator's Guile - Regal Dominance/Illuminated Dominance/Enlightened Fortitude
2x Warlord's Inspiration (AoE) Regal Dominance/Enlightened Fortitude/Regal Dominance
2x Combatant's Maneuver (Single Target) Regal Dominance/Illuminated Dominance/Regal Dominance
1x Victim's Preservation Crescent Dominance/Barbed Dominance/Barbed Dominance
Oathkeeper gear and stats :

Explanation of gear choices :
All gear choices made with the goal of maximising outgoing healing. Chest piece for increasing outgoing healing stat in party.
Consumables used for both loadouts :

Explanation of consumables choices :
Used to top off low offensive/defensive stats. No magic here.
Justicar powers and feats :

Explanation of Powers and Feats choices :

Divine Touch (with feat) is the main threat generator in this build, the two other encounters are slotted based on personal preferance and can be replaced.

Divine Judgement is used to get some extreme Bloodtheft heals, generating tons of threat.
Oathkeeper powers and feats :

Swap Blessed Wanderer for Composure in party.
PS :
Note that all screenshots are taken while solo in the training room, meaning no equip bonuses that grant stats depending on party members are active. Damage/Healing numbers shown are achieved solo in training room with no buff/debuffs applied.
> Question... why are you using the class feature for smite when your not using smite as a power? Wouldn't you be better off using something else?
What would you replace it with?
Edit : Oooops, I see what you mean now. This is ofc an error in the screenshot. Will replace.
> > @vaultingfrog#2497 said:
> > Question... why are you using the class feature for smite when your not using smite as a power? Wouldn't you be better off using something else?
> What would you replace it with?
> Edit : Oooops, I see what you mean now. This is ofc an error in the screenshot. Will replace.
Not sure what I would replace it with... one of the auras I suppose but since I don't use this build I can't really say. I just figured I would ask about it as it didn't fit in with the displayed build.
> Interesting build...is there someplace where I can find the threat modifier for each power?
I would love to have these confirmed myself. My current working theory is that healing is double of damage threat generated, but all threat modifiers seem to have been changed in one of the latest patche without notice. @noworries#8859 woukd be the one to ask about spesific modifiers
> Do you know if the group healing potion boon would create aggro?
Testing this evening, would be a very neat synergy 👍