With the ongoing changes and balancing to companions and their damage output it is starting to make all companions feel the same.
While I understand it is not the intent to have a small group of companions that perform far better than the rest of the pack, it is nice to have different tiers of companions for damage, crowd control, healing, ect.
I feel like some companions SHOULD perform better than others and some should perform worse. Getting one of the 'good' companions as a reward from a dungeon or another source makes it feel like a good reward, while if all companions are nerfed to the point where they are basically equal, getting one of these equal companions as a reward does not feel as rewarding.
Short version, since I still haven't slept. I am glad you are trying to be more transparent, however just listening 3 comps that are going to change with no context other than "to address the drastic imbalances" doesn't tell us anything. In fact given how much Air Archon was doing and how low it now is (in a dungeon my Air Archon does 50% less damage, I might as well be using the free Mytic Phoera), it makes the statement look....silly, for want of a better word.
The reason being that there are LOADS of comps that will need to be reduced (and even more than will need buffed), listening just those 3 makes it seem like you have no idea how much damage they are doing compared to the others, or that you have a very different view of "drastic imbalance" means.
What would be helpful is what your parameters are e.g. is a fully max'ed out companion (runestones/bell/etc) doing 10% of a players damage "drastic imbalance"....should it be 5%? What about without runestones etc 2.5%? What about non-damage comps? Healers, Defender, CC, Utility?
Then there are about augments, they are currently useless (how about trying making them add % instead of rating?)
Sorry if this comes across badly. I can barely focus, let alone think.
Step 2: devs target more comps, without addressing overpower issues at root(indomitables), and ruin those comps
step 3: after "balance" achieved, comps still too strong, and indomitables get diminish for each past one
step 4: new runestone for augments comes out, and augments BIS for 2-3 mods again
Just saying what was the official approach during the rework, (knowingly only partly fulfilled,) not that it makes sense or something...