I am so proud of this new Neverwinter team and their new game.
What the old Cryptic Studio team did was, they built us this manor house. They expanded upon it, built "junk rooms", and this made it a huge mansion. However it was large confusing mess with no clear way to get from one room to the other.
This new team took the big empty room, with the grand piano out, and stored the piano in the attic. Then they organized the hallway to make it clear where you need to go. They tell what you should be doing and not just what you want to do on your own. They put the fruit smoothie bar back in Ebon Downs.
Today I patched my game and see they installed a new wallpaper of clouds behind the Cryptic name logo. The foyer looks great with the new wallpaper. The old plumbing and electric is still a giant mess, the loading bar still wraps twice before loading, and the game has multiple bugs and glitches.
Nevertheless the entrance is now more appealing for visitors.
Just killing time...
The game even gives you a sparkly path to any quest u pick up. Story leveling was pretty much straightforward, follow sparkly paths, do some dungeon Qs yada yada. I can kinda see it with the endgame campaigns as they all had different (well ish, tried i guess...) map mechanics (basically variations of the grinding) but if you actually pay attention to the dialogues and prompts, you could have general sense of how the map goes, but in the end its still picking up the dailies and either kill/loot/fetch/ ect).
There was a clear path which content you should do...its just overtime campaigns got readjusted when "New" ones came out. Heck i actually like the generic/unified boons now since u can just choose to start any of the campaigns in no particular order...but there def was a a ordered path thatll make things easier. You could skip to the campaign that leads to the latest BiS items, but you could literally do any of the campaigns as they all were repetitive grinding for boons or items to upgrade your gear. It really wasn't too important which order you did them in as at least there may be a sense of there's always something to do (which are all the same pretty much, boons, enchanting...basically upping that IS). Well I mean, if you're following story there definitely is a straight path for that (which im honestly not).
Honestly (and hoping) they should have added alternate story paths too leading to 20. Cool theres many types of campaigns after level cap, but what about before all that...ya know, during the leveling up of the number signifying your character's overall progression and experiences? Then itd be the same problem as Champions. Playing the same content on new toons just get tired overtime, and the GRABS def helped a bit to speed things through. With the new system in NW cant even do PUG dungeons to level that way if i wanted to