Hi im here to describe you a really incredible bug that affect the game, i pass tought talking about Item Lvl, endgame stuff equip etc, but its related to the horrible bug im goin to explain you..
Basically with every mount power (celestial wings, tunnel vision, explosive equalizer) if i use my mount power and after do one at will called Aimed Shot, my Tunnel Vision (the most effective mount skill we got) will be cancelled, celestial wings will make ZERO dmg too..
This is maybe one of the worst bugs i have seen in the game, dont forget that ranger Hindering Strike its beign cancelled doing zero dmg for years.....
Try to fix thoose 2 bugs since are a real cancer for players...
I passed 1 year with this bug and i realized now what was triggering (and so easily)...i feel like i cant improve my gameplay..its kinda horrible and make me in condition to stop playn NwO..
The issue its in tunnel vision animation...