I was just on decided to go tower diving one last time. That is one feature I felt was unique to this game, I will miss doing it, although it only grants an unseen achievement but one time. If you haven't jumped yet, now is the time to do it. I also checked and there is a total of 93 people in the Tower District. Obviously none of them are having any fun or even playing this area.

I also assume most don't know the area will be gone soon either, otherwise they would not be in there "wasting their time" on something that will soon be pointless.
I will also miss old Jerry in Blacklake. I should go visit that old spy. What will you be missing when module 21 arrives?
There was a lot to do there that made you feel like a GOOD aligned character.
I haven't made a halfling character yet. I was going to make a new halfling bard. I will miss the halfling race contact and arc from Blacklake. Like the Redeemed Citadel, it will be content that I will never get to experience. That bothers me.
I liked the Tower District. I liked fighting the Many-Arrows tribe and earning their Gear as trophies. I will miss doing the quests for Sybella and the Order of the Third Eye.
I will miss Pirates Skyhold. I will especially miss the beautiful gear pieces you can earn there. Some of the best looking gear in the whole game going POOF. I will miss building a relationship with Captain Yargo and redeeming the Mutineers from Blackdagger's pirate gang. That was epic. I've never jumped off "The Plank'. I think this last weekend I will have to try that just to see what happens.
I will try to get all the Scrying Crystal Explorers in the areas that will go POOF on all of my characters. Also, I have to do the Vault of the Nine on my last two characters to earn their Sigils so I have the complete set of Character Sigil Artifacts available.
I will miss not having to worry about content being removed before I can get to it. That's what I'll miss the most.
Happy Gaming to you and yourn!
Is anyone planning a communal last hurrah on one or more of the maps going away? Maybe a dance around a bonfire in Blacklake or tower diving as OP suggests?
Normally I'm not into such things, but given the scope of changes coming next week I thought this might literally be the last time many players have to 'see' each other in game, before another wave of rage quits happen starting next Tuesday.
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Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
PSN Zen AD Exchange - Forecasting Spreadsheet
Blacklake District there is this old crazy that goes by the name "Old Jerry". He just has odd dialog, but I will post the spoiler video here.
You can find Old Jerry 4 minutes into the video.
I recorded these video samples some time back when I test in Linux OS. I play them back against the Windows OS to see or hear any differences. I normally don't post these to YouTube.
PSN Zen AD Exchange - Forecasting Spreadsheet
My first toon did all the zones, no skipping, and it was great. It had that new experience sort of thing (that is pulling people to new world now) where you have no idea about anything and everything is cool.
In retrospect, especially considering I just did finish Sharandar Ep 1 or whatever, the Granny quest... Older content had more to explore. More achievements that actually made me smile (Bel Achievements kind of forced a different reaction out of me) and felt fitting to Neverwinter, you know, the DnD World (not the pp comparison aspect of the game) - I am not an expert on DnD, but stuff that made me smile was the Tower, it was Scrying Orbs in Chult and Omu (Shortcuts there, too) or finding Caliban. The drunk achievement with Knox, stuff like that. Hot Feet. Linkletter Quest.
So I was in this new Sharandar kinda thing in this cave to kill some Granny and there was nothing in there but some redcaps that hit harder than SKT bosses and the boss(es). Nothing else to find or explore. Maybe I am getting soft, I initially didn't really care about stuff like that, but after spending so much time in NW I really liked seeing all this. A lot of this was not seen by many players, but I have met new players too that cared about this just as much.
It is how it is, but its nice to take the time and see the zones as they were for a last time - since I would rather sit in nettles than play this as a vaulted content. Get hamstered...
edit: oh I got a couple of good boots as well. Usually it was just junk which I sold for gold (I made quite a lot because I had a lot of unused currency) but every now and then it would give one extra item along with the usual one which was kind of spesh. There was also one instance in Rothe Valley where I got a really cool armor transmute like a spider, but it was for another class and annoyingly bound to character so useless, it would have been cool to put on the AH for someone else to enjoy seeing I couldn't use it.
Yes, while I do believe change is needed and inevitable, we will be losing some great content.
Just killing time...
Just killing time...
Helm's Hold was also fun, the plot was great and I enjoyed the little parallel quests we got in there. Oh, and the lovely sound effects in the final dungeon, with the resounding voices, loooved it!
Just killing time...