"New Day" starts at 5AM CDT Event starts at 9AM CDT "Server" time resets at 12PM CDT each day
According to the event description, the first Protector's Bounty you open each day is supposed to grant you a Protector's Figurine. I got one yesterday around 8PM, after I got off from work. When I woke up this morning, around 8:30AM CDT, I opened a PB that I had earned yesterday. I did not get a Figurine. I did all four of Elminster's Quests, claimed the reward from Protector's Garden and tried again, but still didn't get a Figurine. I went to work, came back, and it's nearly six hours after the server time reset, and opened another Protector's Bounty. I opened several more, and none of them are granting the event quest item.
[EDIT] On another character, I did the quests just now, and was granted the Figurine, so I went back to my main character, started and finished the Protector's Orders quest in the Stronghold, was rewarded with more PB, but still, opening the PB won't give me a PF today.
Opening a PB before completing the reward in the garden quest glitches the game, and prevents PBs from dropping PFs, even after quest completion, for the remainder of the event. Each new day, I have obtained the quests from Elminster after the sever resets at noon (CDT), completed and turned in the quests, but I am still not getting Figurines. My main character is unable participate in the event.
You're telling me that I should be able to open Bounties and get a Figurine once per day, regardless of whether or not I do the Quests, or are you saying that you can farm PBs in other ways? I know about PB farming; I'm concerned about not getting the Protector's Figurines. I only got a Figurine the day I did the quests, then opened the box. When I opened the box the next day, without doing the quests, I didn't get any Figurines, and doing the quests then opening another box(s) did not fix the issue. I only got Figurines for two days during the entire event. Last year it was just the first and last days of the event that were off, but this year it was only two days that were on.