Sign-up deadline: Friday 28 May, 08:00 PM (CET)
Tournament start: Saturday 29 May, 08:00 PM (CET)
Sign-up deadline is 1 day before tournament start.
Sign-up bots on Discord will lock upon deadline.
Late sign-up team fee: 5 Marks of Potency Rank 4.
Late teams will have to message me their team on Discord.
(This applies after sign-up deadline and before tournament start)
Donators: Wilk (EoA), Tepes (EoA), Razorleaf (EoA)
Twitch channel:
Twitch /aizuwallenstein
Recording of previous tournaments can be found on our Discord
Do share the news – Wish you all a great day!
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Special Thanks to
Derarzt and Kaioion for sitting on the couch
Razorleaf for prizes and giving advice for the tournament
Ram for helping with Discord setup
Red for helping testing the stream
Wilk for the prices
The teams for participating
And you, the viewers.
**Toxicity will end in ban from the Discord server. There will be an attempt to move the tourney forward, but said person is banned from future events. Any guild members who treat others poorly will be kicked from guild. Consider yourself warned.
Changes below will be added to the original post.
- Mount Power Rule: Clarifying that mount powers which have 1k or more magnitude, are still banned if those mount powers drop below 1k magnitude due to lower mount bolsters/upgrade.
- Prioritizing teams signing up first: When there are 5 or more teams participating, the last teams signing up will have to fight a Best of 1 (Single Elimination Match) to advance to playoffs. The section, 'Setup', now makes it clear that all 5 players have to sign up on the Discord bots before that team is deemed 'signed up' in regards to which teams will have to potentially play in a Best of 1 (Single Elimination Match).
The Forum Thread will add these changes later tonight.
- Scoring system / Brackets
After feedback from multiple people, and due to multiple teams signing up, there has been a change in how matches play out. With the previous scoring system, there were bound to be teams only being able to play 1 round (Best of 1) in the tournament. This would be the case with 5 or more teams signing up.
With the new scoring system, as can be seen in #brackets and in the overview below, each team will play at least 2 rounds instead of 1 round. The new scoring system will also keep the event not running too long.
Thanks to Razorleaf in regards to bracket overview and help with brackets.
Bracket overview
Entire bracket tables can be found in #brackets on Discord
Hope everyone enjoyed. The event will continue if teams are interested. Wish you a great day.
As usual, special thanks to
Derarzt, Kaioion and Mila for sitting on the couch
Razorleaf for helping immensely with the event
Wilk, Tepes and Razorleaf for the prizes
Ram for helping with Discord setup
Red for helping testing the stream
The teams for participating
And you, the viewers.