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Toxic Levels of CC

hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
Scenario 1

I get to the end of Point of Contention where there are 5 Oni. I attack one, because none of them will attack unless I attack first.

Unfortunately, I have a lightning enchant, so now all five are after me. Three of them are keeping me perma-frozen with Ray of Frost and the other two are knocking me around like a rag doll. The only reason I can stay alive at all is because I'm a healer-build cleric and here and there I can get half a second to fire off a heal before I'm frozen again. Any ability to actually attack them is a sad joke and that one single fight takes between five and ten minutes.

Scenario 2

Cyclops decides to jump on top of me. Gotta dodge.
Troll #1 rears back to knock me flying. Gotta dodge.
Troll #2 rears up to punch the ground. Gotta dodge.
Troll #3 rears back to knock me flying. Gotta dodge.
Cyclops swings, knocking me to the ground.
Cyclops punches the ground before I can get back up. Now I'm stunned.
Troll #2 rears back to knock me flying. Gotta dodge.
I finally get my first attack in on something. Yay!

The entire fight goes like this where I have to dodge three or more attacks before I can attack.

Scenario 3

Troll Shaman tries to knock me down with a spell. Gotta dodge.
Three giantsouls and a Thorn use AoE attacks. Lots of dodging.
I get an attack in. Yay!
Giantsoul #1 knocks me down by slamming the ground. The red area wasn't visible so I didn't dodge it.
Giantsoul #2 does the same attack before I can get back up so I'm stunned again.
Giantsoul #3 does the *same* attack before I can get back up so I'm stunned *again*.
Thorn uses a wide AoE attack. Gotta dodge.
Rinse and repeat.

Admit it, devs, you're just trolling us at this point.
Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured


  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,518 Arc User
    edited March 2021
    You choose to use lightning. I play 6 toon which includes cleric. None of them has problem in all 3 scenario.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    I had the Lightning Problem on one character the first time she ran it. GWF/Barbie and the RoF and some other stun went through her unstoppable. Made me pretty upset at the time but I unslotted the enchant the next week.

    The amount of CC is certainly annoying though. It really does feel like the devs just gave up on trying to design mobs decently. Overlapping red zones, constant knocks and prones. The charging trolls that add their knockback together to send you back 20 feet or more. I've started slotting anything I can to fight fire with fire, mount powers that stun, Vicious Dire Wolf ACB, of course class based stuff like Crushing Roots, Smoke Bomb... CW definitely shines now with the massive Control Bonus and the new Arcane Tempest spell. Cleric sadly has no useful stuns or dazes but I do have the Emperor Beetle power which stuns. With that class it ends being a lot of 'keep away' and chip damage on the mobs.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,518 Arc User
    I have just sent my cleric to do point of contention. He has only 36k item level (may be lower than 40k has an edge). He has no problem at all. He did not use Artifact, daily or mount combat power. He only knocked down twice by troll for the whole trip and those 2 could have been avoidable. The troll has enough wind up animation telling you it will jump you. As a cleric, he has good dodging skill. I just dodge them. Even for that 2 knockdown, my cleric just lied on the ground on spot (not being push 20 feet away) and come back up reasonable fast.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    It's when you get hit by multiple troll charges that you get the 20' (guessing) knockback. Just one doesn't do it.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • hexngone#5489 hexngone Member Posts: 370 Arc User
    Question: So, while you are dodging and spending most of the time in battle avoiding all the CC, what is your Companion doing?

    Not a good comparison, because all my chars are about 21K, but when I did the Sharandar intro quest where the third Uni dome was the toughest ... my Wererat Companion did most of the damage while I just focused on not getting killed or totally stunned. It was a pain, but killing the mobs was not *just* me but a combo of myself and my companion.

    Are you doing these with only Augment Companions instead of Fighters?

    Just curious.
  • kronus#9296 kronus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 165 Arc User

    I have just sent my cleric to do point of contention. He has only 36k item level (may be lower than 40k has an edge). He has no problem at all. He did not use Artifact, daily or mount combat power. He only knocked down twice by troll for the whole trip and those 2 could have been avoidable. The troll has enough wind up animation telling you it will jump you. As a cleric, he has good dodging skill. I just dodge them. Even for that 2 knockdown, my cleric just lied on the ground on spot (not being push 20 feet away) and come back up reasonable fast.

    You're absolutely right on lower item level being a bonus now. My lower level toons that shouldn't even be there have an easier time in a lot of cases then my endgame toon. Their scaling is broken horribly, I think it's worse now then before they changed everything. I don't agree with scaling existing in areas let alone a level 80 area.

  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    Didn't they introduce a short immunity between stuns in pvp? It's been a long time since I played pvp but I seem to remember that.

    Imo they should do the same in pve if they are going to give all enemies control effects.
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User
    Every new mod the knock/prone/stun chain just gets more asinine. Between cyclops, trolls, and various flavors of redcaps, every fight is a cluster of red splat zones.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    edited March 2021

    Question: So, while you are dodging and spending most of the time in battle avoiding all the CC, what is your Companion doing?

    Not a good comparison, because all my chars are about 21K, but when I did the Sharandar intro quest where the third Uni dome was the toughest ... my Wererat Companion did most of the damage while I just focused on not getting killed or totally stunned. It was a pain, but killing the mobs was not *just* me but a combo of myself and my companion.

    Are you doing these with only Augment Companions instead of Fighters?

    Just curious.

    I use a Vicious Dire Wolf to try to get breathing room.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • dietzgen#3883 dietzgen Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    armadeonx said:

    Didn't they introduce a short immunity between stuns in pvp? It's been a long time since I played pvp but I seem to remember that.

    Imo they should do the same in pve if they are going to give all enemies control effects.

    Most of other MMO's already go to this direction, chain CC is something that should be restricted, not only on PvP, but PvE too. I think the game will be much more interesting that way. For example a multiple dps with CC will need to coordinate on which type CC they are using, and encourage more coordination and teamwork
  • finmakinfinmakin Member Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited March 2021
    Simple solution...
    Every class have the tools to damage/pull mobs from a distance..
    1. Pull mob and back off, let it come to you (not too far, otherwise mob will return to his former spot).
    2. Pull 2 or 3 mobs if you're a big guy, is more fun imho.
    3. Rinse and retreat.
    Then you have those lunatics like me (I'm looking in the mirror), who love a challenge and pull all, requires a lot of avoiding but its fun :)
    Since I'am a just a puny tank who loves big pulls I cannot hold myself (people I know can vouch for that when I run TiC with them) , but I can understand that DPS classes have a difficulty with it... Little hint, knowing your limits is key here..

    It seems to me that a lot of players are getting paid per minute, they playing this game and seeking ways to complete things within a short possible period (preferably by trying to persuede dev's to lowering difficulty, so a level 10 can fight these mobs).
    I see it happen quite some times in dungeons by rushing ahead and start whacking mobs but there might be a problem with that when I forget to gain aggro and let them fight the fight they engaged and simply pass by with rest of group... Quite some healers have same problem and forget to heal those heroes to preserve their divinity for group.
    Ogguk The Beholder… Justicar Paladin Tank/ Healer
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