So after the new update, regular potions are stronger than me in a dungeon que, I do zero damage, my chick is now worthless. Example in Chult I can't even complete certain quest like rescue the scouts on my own. My chicken does no damage I do no damage, so if I run into the shamans they just heal themselves before I can kill them. They can't kill me but I can't kill them, matter of fact I can't even get close to killing them. I'm a 44k paladin healer, I just don't get who tested this and why it is okay? It was already longer before the update for a healer to do normal quest but now it's impossible. You don't have enough players in this game the nerd the zones, that is extremely dumb, before the update I had to sometimes do the heroics myself because no other character was around. This isn't the game I signed up to play nor the game I spent real money on VIP over Christmas holidays. If I had any clue you guys were going to do this I promise you I wouldn't have been started playing again. I definitely wouldn't have picked a healer to play.
> So after the new update, regular potions are stronger than me in a dungeon que, I do zero damage, my chick is now worthless. Example in Chult I can't even complete certain quest like rescue the scouts on my own. My chicken does no damage I do no damage, so if I run into the shamans they just heal themselves before I can kill them. They can't kill me but I can't kill them, matter of fact I can't even get close to killing them. I'm a 44k paladin healer, I just don't get who tested this and why it is okay? It was already longer before the update for a healer to do normal quest but now it's impossible. You don't have enough players in this game the nerd the zones, that is extremely dumb, before the update I had to sometimes do the heroics myself because no other character was around. This isn't the game I signed up to play nor the game I spent real money on VIP over Christmas holidays. If I had any clue you guys were going to do this I promise you I wouldn't have been started playing again. I definitely wouldn't have picked a healer to play.
I have a Paladin as well so I know what you mean. The best piece of advice I can give you which helped me out was, I respected my feats (I want to say it's the 2nd or 3rd feat option at the bottom of the power page) there is a feat that lowers the cost of smite to 80 or 100 as well as bane. I personally use a mix of smite and my at-wills and can get the job done. Sometimes I also do this as a tank but with the combat changes I think the healer side is 10% stronger.
46k item level 75%power, 82%crit and 85%crit severity just isn't cutting it. I can't seem to heal enough before I run out of divinity.
The best thing you can do to improve your heals in group is to boost your outgoing healing stat. There are companions that can help with this but you should also use the Tiamat set. It has a lower IL and is very old but gives a flat 5% boost to outgoing healing. My DC uses it to great effect. Crit & crit severity also help a lot (these stats should be close to identical.
If you do get your crit & crit severity to decent numbers, slotting a Vorpal for soloing would help your DPS a lot.
Note: Neverember Guard and Rebel Mercenary companions give 3.75% outgoing healing (at Mythic)
This is a link to Rainer's stat rework guide and has some really useful info on healer stat
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
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