Legendary/Mythic collars cost around 5mil/20mil AD and you can have multiple of them so this is definitely the new endgame AD sink.
They give item level twice as much as combinded ratings... which increases the gap between item level = cap and all ratings by up to 500 for a single mythic collar. In exchange for that "desctruction of efficiency" you get a near useless bonus. Maybe the 3% damage bonus for at-will/encounter powers is worth that.. but run speed? useless crit severity.. or extra AD??
When I wear 5 mythic collars (worth around 100.000.000 AD ^^) I get 2500 Combined Rating and 5000 Total item Level.
So the gap between my ratings and the cap increases by 2500. There are 15 ratings by the way.
Even if ignore the secondary ones I loose 25.000 rating in offensive and defensive stats.
That is §$$%/( .. not good
Please do not tell me "hey bro! ur ilvl becomes damage and hp... collars are op" ... since I get capped in all content other than TOMM & Zariel. All my endgame equip has no effect anywhere. When I get scaled the game save my pre-scaled %-values so I end up with lower values compared to other players with half of my item level.
What is the intend? To use them in endgame trials only?