The Round Table Alliance has been formed to recruit and help out smaller guilds. Valaraukari Ascension has formed this alliance with other like minded guilds, with the ideals of Arthurs round table in mind.
There is no position of power here, no head of the table. It will be a true alliance, a meeting place, where we help each other to progress and grow as players. It will be a place where drama will not be tolerated.
A close knit community is what we are trying to put together, which will involve lots of shared dungeon runs, stronghold events and cooperation. A great sense of humor is required, and a great appreciation for diversity and culture.
VA is a GH20, and we have a second guild at GH12. We have been a rank 20 for a year, and was over half way to ranked up before alliance even started. We have experience in making the best of your stronghold donations and will gladly offer advice when required. We will also try to help each guild get the best of the construction cost discounts available to them.
We have a very active player base, and are looking to expand on this with our alliance guilds. We offer experienced players whom are willing to participate in alliance activity.
If this sounds like the kind of alliance you want to be a part of, please contact either myself, or V (
@jmiller1984) for more information, and to have a discussion.
GWF: Vretzina
OP: Vee
DC: Evee
CW: nezterV
Leader - Valaraukari Ascension
A few spots still available. Contact if interested:
@jmiller84 @bluebubbl3s @putzboy78
GWF: Vretzina
OP: Vee
DC: Evee
CW: nezterV
Leader - Valaraukari Ascension
GWF: Vretzina
OP: Vee
DC: Evee
CW: nezterV
Leader - Valaraukari Ascension
GWF: Vretzina
OP: Vee
DC: Evee
CW: nezterV
Leader - Valaraukari Ascension
Oberfrostys Army
Golden Eagles
The Order of the Waran
Our alliance level is currently at 117.
We are all having a blast, chatting heaps, running everything and anything together, and following a very democratic proccess to run the alliance together.
Sound interesting? Hit up one of the leaders of the above guilds.
Guild Leader - Valaurakari Ascension
VA is the creator and proud member of The Round Table Alliance
GWF: Vretzina
OP: Vee
DC: Evee
CW: nezterV
Leader - Valaraukari Ascension
There are four available spots at Round Table. If you are interested please do approach one of our guild leaders from any of the guilds on the list. The spots are filling quickly, and there is interest for the final positions.
Come join us and experience a democratic and very active alliance!
Guild Leader - Valaurakari Ascension
VA is the creator and proud member of The Round Table Alliance
Flanked by four R20 guilds, you are welcome to bring your guild, big or small, to the table, to enjoy the benefits of a democratic decision based alliance where your people have access to lots of players to run with and talk game with.
Hit us up for a chat in game - there is a list of our guilds on this post, dont hesitate to contact one of the leaders of those guilds to talk with.
Guild Leader - Valaurakari Ascension
VA is the creator and proud member of The Round Table Alliance
Today RTA did Marauders to wave 35 (just for HAMSTER and giggles) ... anyone else gone further?? it took ages lol
Guild Leader - Valaurakari Ascension
VA is the creator and proud member of The Round Table Alliance
GWF: Vretzina
OP: Vee
DC: Evee
CW: nezterV
Leader - Valaraukari Ascension
GWF: Vretzina
OP: Vee
DC: Evee
CW: nezterV
Leader - Valaraukari Ascension
We're knights of the Round Table! We dance whene'er we're able! We do routines and chorus scenes with footwork impeccable! We dine well here in Camelot, we eat ham and jam and spam a lot!
GWF: Vretzina
OP: Vee
DC: Evee
CW: nezterV
Leader - Valaraukari Ascension
Join us, in a truly diplomatic alliance, where every guild has a say and a vote in alliance business. We are a very stable alliance, we meet regularly, have an alliance discord arrangement which offers both guild and officers a place to keep up to date and most of all, we have an active, no drama alliance. We encourage guilds with a Guild Hall rank of 8-15 to get in contact with us, as part of our mantra is to help smaller guilds build by donating to your coffer. Even if you aren't in that guild hall rank, and you have a really active player base, get in touch with us anyways!!
You can contact an officer from the following guilds for more information;
Valaraukari Ascension
Hells Warriors
Lords and Ladies of Luskan
Saints of Hope
Ye Olde Bondage Shoppe
Golden Eagles
Dragon Riders of Neverwinter
Legion of Lost Souls
Looking forward to meeting some new players!!
Guild Leader - Valaurakari Ascension
VA is the creator and proud member of The Round Table Alliance
Dragon Riders of Neverwinter
Golden Eagles
H3lls Warriors
Legion of Lost Souls
Lords and Ladies of Luskan
Protectors of Rabbits
Saints of Hope
The Edge of Honor
Valaraukari Ascension
Ye Olde Bondage Shoppe
For some strange reason our post has had content removed, and so am re posting this because the original list has been lost. The list has not changed much, which speaks to the amazing continuity of the alliance (2+ years), and the stable nature of the guilds within it. We are currently at alliance level 214, and helping our younger guilds rank up.
To join one of the great guilds in our alliance and join a drama free, active player base, please click on the link to the individual guild recruitment threads, where applicable, or guild search in game and speak to an officer!!
Guild Leader - Valaurakari Ascension
VA is the creator and proud member of The Round Table Alliance
A truly democratic alliance, with a very active player base, and a leadership group from all guilds who understand how important it is for all of our guilds to have their say and their vote. There is no head of our table, we all contribute to the decision making, and that results in a stable, drama free, active alliance where real friendships are made.
If you are looking to enhance your player base by joining an active alliance, and want to be part of something where you can actually voice your opinion, be heard and be able to cast your vote on decisions which could ultimately affect your players, then The Round Table is the place for you to be.
Please contact any officer of these guilds;
Dragon Riders of Neverwinter
Golden Eagles
H3lls Warriors
Legion of Lost Souls
Protectors of Rabbits
Saints of Hope
The Edge of Honour
Valaraukari Ascension
Ye Olde Bondage Shoppe
Skeleton Crew
Guild Leader - Valaurakari Ascension
VA is the creator and proud member of The Round Table Alliance
I love our alliance, thanks for keeping us stocked full on guilds and players
We are very proud to welcome Sanctuary to our table. Pull up a chair guys, its awesome to bring your big list of active players in to hang out with ours!
The current list of Guilds in the Round Table;
Dragon Riders of Neverwinter
Golden Eagles
H3lls Warriors
Legion of Lost Souls
Protectors of Rabbits
Saints of Hope
Valaraukari Ascension
Ye Olde Bondage Shoppe
Skeleton Crew
Lords and Ladies of Luskan
Guild Leader - Valaurakari Ascension
VA is the creator and proud member of The Round Table Alliance
I am pleased that Ghost Wolf Warriors and Neverember's Guard have joined the Round Table Alliance.
The Round Table Alliance now stands 3817 members strong
We are looking for a guild with cool, active peoples. We would prefer a guild with GH under 20, but lets face it, we really wouldn't hold that against you
Our alliance is called the Round Table because we believe in making decisions together, and no guild is more important than any other guild. All our decisions are made by voting, with each guild getting a vote. We have monthly officer meetings, and we rotate through which guild picks the time each month. It is a great place to grow a smaller guild, and we want to help you do it!
Please get in touch with me via message, or feel free to pm a leader from any of our other awesome 12 guilds in game to help you register your interest!!
In alphabetical order;
Dragon Riders of Neverwinter
Golden Eagles
H3lls Warriors
Neverember's Guard
Protectors of Rabbits
Saints of Hope
Skeleton Crew
Valaraukari Ascension
Ye Olde Bondage Shoppe
Guild Leader - Valaurakari Ascension
VA is the creator and proud member of The Round Table Alliance
We have two spots available for active guilds looking to socialize
I am one of the guild leaders of Semper Fidelis, we are a rank 20 guild, currently searching for a new friendly home. Many nice boon structures and lots of active players.
If you think we are a good candidate, pls reach out to me, my in game handle is: @matthiasthehun76
Thank you!
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke