Hi, We the dragonborns are being denied by a significant portion of the game. We can't have head appearance from almost all items. I recently bought Metallic ancestry dragonborn race with real money. Then i realized this disability of dragonborn race. As the halloween event just launched i was excited to get the cryptic mask to be in ghost form. I even started the daily quests for the item to participate in the competition, but then i realized you can't change your appearance . Why? just because we belongs to a certain race? Don't you think we should get and use the event rewards at least?
More dragonborn head coverings!
Other than that, i can understand that the higher ups won't want the class to be changed that much and at the same time the "man, i wish i could put.." from the playerbase.
Soulweaver: The Lovely Red
Minstrel: The Rose Troubadour