I might be wrong about and hopefully I am but the new Redeemed citadel has the paid track for extra items and 2 of those items are head fashion pieces. Did you guys add fashion items to a paid reward that one of the classes cant use. I bought the re-forgers blessings and think the eyes and candles are a great idea but when I preview on my metallic dragon i don't see anything which leads me to think its another helmet that a dragon cant use. Why create something get people to pay for it but then say oh ya you cant use this item cause you picked that class. I know that I'am newer to the game but I don't see how its fair to charge for an item you might not be able to use and is just a waste for one class.This item is not even a helmet just floating eyes or candles why wouldn't that work on a dragon. All I see when I preview it is a ghost flying around lol is that what it looks like on the dragon-born? I'm just confused and ya a little disappointed. Just need some clarification.
I do find it ridiculous that DB head fashion is so limited . It’s a head piece, should fit every class !!!