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Celebration of Lliira

ltsmithnekoltsmithneko Member Posts: 1,578 Arc User
Current State:

It's a fairly lackluster event that isn't worth that grind or the time for most players. The typical player is going to stand around waiting for the event to pop every 30 minutes and put in one firework to farm their favors~ Extra fireworks they'll either bank till they get enough saved up for a chance at getting more with silver or gold , or sell on the AH. ^-^

Main objective of the event is donating fireworks on a half hour basis to obtain the event currency.

1-199x Fireworks = Bronze (Chance for 1 Favor)
200-499x Fireworks = Silver (1-2 Favor)
500+ Fireworks = Gold (2-3 Favor)

-Supposed to be baseline of 5 for favor, but it isn't much of a difference.

-Baseline Bronze is too low needs to be about a quarter of Silver tier.
-Silver n' Gold typically are not worth aiming for since silver most of the time will grant the same as bronze should be granting at least 2 and a chance of 3, while gold should be 3 and a chance of 4.
-Lack of incentive/group effort to donate fireworks in bulk, would be nice if there was a group effort reward for those who can reach it get a extra favor.
-Shop pricing this is the current shop:

Barbecue Meat 3x Favor
Lliira's Firework 1x Favor
Spectacular Liira's Firework 2x Favor
Lliira's Night Dye Pack 4x Favor
Fashion Stuff 10x
Emote of Sparkle 25x
Lliira's Bell of Empowerment 25x
Lliira's Bell 25x
Starry Panther 25x
Starry Sphere 25x

Lots of things are overpriced, in my opinion
-Note Barbecue Meat should be replaced with Lliira's Fare since it's the celebration of Lliira... XP
-The basic Lliira's firework should be taken out of the store since it's given from the event crates n' rewarded quite often from the event itself only the higher tier should be buy-able due to its increased buff. ^-^ (Though I'd probably reduce the price again if so~ )
-The cap on fireworks around PE isn't needed, it can be bypassed via the AH and Bank.

Updated Event:

Main objective of the event is donating fireworks on a hour basis to obtain the event currency, lasting 5-10 minutes.

-Reasoning is due to increased favor gain/Shop adjustments plus to give players time to do other things than worry about missing the event every 30 minutes.


1-49x Fireworks = Copper (Given the buff fireworks, no favor)
50-199x Fireworks = Bronze (1 Favor)
200-499x Fireworks = Silver (2 Favor, chance of a extra 1)
500+ Fireworks = Gold (3 Favor, chance of extra 2)
Group effort reach 1k Fireworks and gain an additional favor, must place at least bronze (Could be higher or lower, just remember you have increased time to grind up fireworks and more incentive to do so.)

-Increase the fireworks given round PE to grant 1-5 per box, with no cap. (Only active during the 5-10 min event to incentivise players to use the buff fireworks n' go about killing mobs other places~)

Event Shop

Lliira's Fare 1x Favor
Lliira's Firework 1x Favor (Or remove)
Spectacular Lliira's Firework 2x Favor
Lliira's Night Dye Pack 4x Favor
Emote of Sparkle 5x
Lliira's Bell of Empowerment 7x
Lliira's Bell 7x
Fashion Stuff 10x
Starry Panther 20x
Starry Sphere 25x

(Gotta work i'll make it look more structured later~)
Post edited by ltsmithneko on


  • rikitakirikitaki Member Posts: 926 Arc User
    Well, the problem of Light up the night! lies in a detail, that during the 10 min duration you can collect roughly about 50 fireworks. That means about 150 less than you need for the silver place... So,... if you did not pile up a lot of fireworks before you entered the contest, there is absolutely no point in trying.

    The same goes for prices. Anything in the shop has simply astronomical price tag if you try to reach for it through competition.
  • ltsmithnekoltsmithneko Member Posts: 1,578 Arc User
    > @rikitaki said:
    > Well, the problem of Light up the night! lies in a detail, that during the 10 min duration you can collect roughly about 50 fireworks. That means about 150 less than you need for the silver place... So,... if you did not pile up a lot of fireworks before you entered the contest, there is absolutely no point in trying.
    > The same goes for prices. Anything in the shop has simply astronomical price tag if you try to reach for it through competition.

    Hence why I said scale up fireworks granted in PE to grant 1-5x n' stated adjusted prices to the Shop and the way the currency is earned. ^-^
  • sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User
    Been online this morning;
    1 firework = 1 coin (favor) no exceptions. I have nailed it every time.
    2 or more you are at the mercy of their RNG.
    200 or more, you have no life other than grinding? Really?

    Early today I made 12 before lunch, just got #13 at 4:30, if I pop back in between 5:00 and 5:10 #14.
    By 10:30 PM I will have 25 for the mount.

    Have fun! <3
  • autumnwitchautumnwitch Member Posts: 1,141 Arc User

    Been online this morning;
    1 firework = 1 coin (favor) no exceptions. I have nailed it every time.
    2 or more you are at the mercy of their RNG.
    200 or more, you have no life other than grinding? Really?

    Early today I made 12 before lunch, just got #13 at 4:30, if I pop back in between 5:00 and 5:10 #14.
    By 10:30 PM I will have 25 for the mount.

    Have fun! <3</p>

    I am wondering if you win Gold or Silver there is supposed to be a slim RNG chance to win one of the prizes in the store? I have won Gold and Silver a few times now and got nothing at all than a few fireworks.
    Boudica's Sisters - A Guild For Introverts
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited July 2020

    Been online this morning;
    1 firework = 1 coin (favor) no exceptions. I have nailed it every time.
    2 or more you are at the mercy of their RNG.
    200 or more, you have no life other than grinding? Really?

    Early today I made 12 before lunch, just got #13 at 4:30, if I pop back in between 5:00 and 5:10 #14.
    By 10:30 PM I will have 25 for the mount.

    Have fun! <3</p>

    I am wondering if you win Gold or Silver there is supposed to be a slim RNG chance to win one of the prizes in the store? I have won Gold and Silver a few times now and got nothing at all than a few fireworks.
    there really should be a chance at prizes from store. I also think the count shouldn't matter.

    if you place gold, you should have a chance at a prize from store and chance of 3 favors but definitely 2. maybe have two gold spots

    if you place second to the first place winner you should have silver. maybe have two silver spots. these have a smaller chance at something from the store and a chance at 2 favors but definitely 1.

    the copper category maybe have room for 3 or 4 people guaranteed favor of one. smaller chance of something from the store.

    bronze for everyone below that. chance at a favor.
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