Release NotesContent and EnvironmentAchievements
- Companion near-deaths no longer incorrectly count against achievements that require players not to reach a near-death state.
- Master of Fragments: All members of a party now properly gain credit for this achievement.
Legacy Dungeons
- Malabog's Castle: A Redcap Giantsoul is less likely to get stuck in geometry and prevent progress.
Masterwork Professions
- Resolved an issue wherein the alchemy masterwork quests "My Chemical Guidance" and "Fizz Fizz Bang Bang" incorrectly referred to potions by outdated names.
- There is no longer Chasm lore in one of the instances here.
- Valant Efforts (Weekly): This quest now properly has a minimum level of 80.
Tutorial Quests
- Artifact Recovery no longer says to go to Blackdagger Ruins during its final step.
Combat and PowersArtifact Powers
- Eye of the Giant no longer has a chance to cause a character to become stuck in the casting animation.
Classes and Balance
- General: Various minor typos have been fixed in power tooltips.
- Barbarian: Punishing Charge no longer has an [UNTRANSLATED] description in character creation.
- Fighter: Ferocious Reaction is no longer incorrectly treated as an Encounter power for triggering other powers, e.g. Combat Superiority or Focused Retaliation.
- Warlock: Creeping Death can no longer have more than 10 stacks even when multiple Warlocks apply it.
- Githyanki: This companion no longer shows hostile ground-warning effects for friendly players.
Item Powers
- Shielded Defender Vambraces and Spiked Defender Vambraces now engage combat when their effect activates. Their effect now falls off when exiting combat.
Enemies and EncountersCastle Ravenloft: Sisters of Strahd
- The Sisters of Strahd have had their Health reduced by 20%.
- Chains of spite will now only last 6 seconds (down from 10).
- Chains of Spite no longer reflects Companion damage.
- For the character holding the tome, the secondary At-Will (Disabling Phrase) has been disabled, and the primary At-Will (Shocking Reveal) has had its cooldown recuced to 1 second.
- When holding the tome, it now only requires 2 seconds of sustained usage (down from from 3) in order to pull the target's aggro.
Castle Ravenloft: Strahd von Zarovich
- Strahd's health has been reduced by 25%.
- Target dummies should no longer be susceptible to knockback.
Items and EconomyEnchantments and Enhancements
- Enchanting Stones, Rank 5 and Rank 6 can now be purchased in bulk from the Trade Bar Store.
- Rank 6 and Rank 8 Black Ice and Draconic Enchantments can once again properly be donated to the Stronghold Coffer.
- Rank 7 Quartermaster's Enchantment is now properly Rare quality.
- The Enlarged Chicken mount now shows a consistent item quality between the inventory and the mount interface.
Vanity Pets
- Mount vanity pets from the Legendary Mount Bundle are now unbound. This is true even for ones that had been bound prior to this change.
- The Tyrannosaur mount vanity pet is no longer quite as stompy.
Zen Market
- The Expedition Pack of Good Intentions no longer mentions the Remains of Shadows in its tooltip.
User InterfaceAuction House
- The Stats search dropdown now correctly uses current stats, and no longer shows outdated stats.
- "Choose more than one" reward choice packs now have proper close functionality on all platforms.
Quest Journal
- The Catacombs now sort closer to other Undermountain categories.
- Weapons of Air and other similar artifact weapon quests are now properly in their respective map's category in the Quest Journal.
Developers: This is unacceptable!
Maybe for Creeping death you’ll deliver a chance of a critical hit?
Or do something with Soul Puppet because she is 85% of the time - DEAD
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
What it should be is: each warlock can apply up to 10 stacks of creeping death = counting separately.
What the patch notes sound like: on a critter there can be only 10 stacks of creeping death = counting total.
The first way would be correcting some weird mistake, the second is correcting a reasonable logic by applying 8%(?) damage nerf to every warlock beyond the first.
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
"Chains of Spite no longer reflects Companion damage." I always thought of Chains of Spite as redirection damage and not reflect damage but I guess the meaning is the same? Strange decision about this change imo.
"For the character holding the tome, the secondary At-Will (Disabling Phrase) has been disabled, and the primary At-Will (Shocking Reveal) has had its cooldown recuced to 1 second." The reason for disabling Disabling Phrase because it was not working as intended or too many players couldn't figure how to do it? Is it a permanent disable?
"Strahd's health has been reduced by 25%." Another hmm, just address/fix scaling. I can appreciate reducing the Sisters' Maximum Hit Points because they are not so deadly and more just tedious, but Strahd ought to be tough imo, and even if he wasn't showing his full strength in Castle Ravenloft before he disappears at the "end", I don't get nerfing him by so much.
We have two warlocks and a boss
Fight starts:
Warlock 1 applies 10 stacks to boss > boss has 10 stacks, warlock 1 does dmg because he has 10stacks on boss
Warlock 2 starts attacking and applies any amount of stacks to boss > boss has 10 stacks, warlock 2 does dmg because he has 10 stacks on boss
(warlock 2 "stealing" the CD stacks in the process, leaving warlock 1 with no CD damage)
Easy tl;dr version:
Unless CD stacks are counted separately for each warlock, they will just change ownership between the warlocks in the group.
If this change is like what i wrote above, it will make absolutely no sense having more than warlock in a group.
I can't find these in the tradebar store on preview
wizards can longer cast more than one of the same spell at a mob, even when multiple wizards are casting.
And it's a wonder why I don't play warlock anymore
Soulweaver: The Lovely Red
Minstrel: The Rose Troubadour
Are there any plans to upgrade old 150 gear score artifacts? With a great price of course.
Or to bring some unique and rare items during special zen sales events - like campanions and artifacts with higher stats. They should be once in the game and not to affect the balance badly. Only with higher stats like 20-100%
For example - unique companion with 10k power bonus in attack slot or 5% hp bonus in defence slot and 10% gold gain bonus. Part of them on a zen market and part of them - at the auction house with high starting price.
Just take a quasit and change colour and name. Call it a greedy monster! Dev team need $ and players - value for $ paid
Also it will be great to make so on a regular basis - like once in 3-6 months. And make them really funny like Greedy monster of your chickens and brooms)
One more thing. In the game we have +1-2-3-4-5 items. Maybe it will be good to make the opportunity to improve weapon slots (and artifacts slots) items with such quality.
And omg - Add enchancement slot to boots, shirt and pants ! why all items have 2 slots and these only 1 ?)
There is nothing to comment. Just return it back to game!
T1 with spider boss and T2 with juggernaut. (and maybe T3 with a new boss)
Also it is possible to consider to create a PVP event once per month (or other periods) and bring back the whole GG event as it was in vanila version of the game. A lot of players haven't seen it at all.
We need more various content for teamplay and we have some forgotten content - so adjust it and honor your players with an old piece of the game.
What is the problem with that - you do have time to make chiken pvp (while we have no normal pvp in the game) and have no time to revive GG and original Castle Never with a dragon boss.
And one more finally - please make a legendary broom mount
B.I have to agree with the above quote, creeping death SHOULD be able to crit as TOP warlocks are still behind in single target VS TOP Wizards,Rangers, and rogues.(this would cover 3% of the 12% gap)
C. Possible solutions include FIX our AP gain its terrible and possibly not WAI. You could also remove stacks of soul inventure from the soul puppet so when this mechanically challenged puppet dies 80% of the time you don't lose a good chunk of dps. @terramak
When you die on the second boss of Malabog Castle, the player is prevented from advancing, this is because the door does not open when Boss dies.
Is this an accurate statement?
@terramak @cwhitesidedev#9752