We are currently looking for guild(s) (June 2020)
Essence of Aggression
- ImperiuM -
Wonka Factory
Légende Obscure
Compagnia Delle Ombre
Guild Medival
Masters of Mayhem
Post-Eternae FR
404 Italians Not Found
The Broccoli
If you are interested in joining the alliance, feel free to talk to any of us on Discord (https://discord.gg/9XHtwgv) and message anyone in the alliance leadership. You can otherwise send a message to anyone in-game from the list below:Essence of Aggression: @ramesh84
@casewoodshadowHere are some fun videos featuring alliance wide events, end game dungeon runs, dungeon training and PvP inhouse.Slow Mount Race
https://youtu.be/HFKOhxnA3coEnd game dungeon training session
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCItJDb9vRoEnd game dungeon live run
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wWvqy5xQJAGauntlgrym 10v10 PvP event
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ueeds8lTYdcPvP event 5v5
Dragon Server-Essence of Aggression
Drider Server- TheWolves
youtube channel
Welcome to our new guild LostWrath!
Thank you for being a part of the alliance.(We have updated the thread in regards to roster and handles)
Welcome to our new guilds Fairy Tail Italia, Compagnia delle ombre, and Finland!
Thank you for being a part of the alliance.(We have updated the thread in regards to roster)
Below are 2 recent videos briefly showing some events in our alliance: Slow Mount Race and PvP inhouse! Wish you a great day! Thanks for the people who joined the events today.
Slow Mount Race
Fun PvP Inhouse
I'd like to remind the seeking guilds out there that we are still searching for a guild to join our alliance! Otherwise, thanks to everyone who contacted us, and for those we are currently talking with!
I will also add that we're still looking for guilds to join our alliance! Interested for a talk? Contact us!
Mount Race
PvP Highlights 1
PvP Highlights 2
Other benefits include, but are not limited too:
1. Playing with a Pimp who has never died in a video game (Not just NWO, but any video game ever made).
2. Free fashion advice from the aforementioned Pimp so you can look fab while running dungeons.
3. The ability to talk with people who know the game, the mechanics, and are happy to discuss builds, items, etc. with you.
4. Will kill 1,000,000 insurgency bosses with you just for a miniscule chance at a rod so you can upgrade an item that currently isn't BIS and will be obsolete in 1-2 mods.
5. Help you run game to all the males playing female characters in the Moonstone Mask.
6. And so much more!
If you're interested in any of the above, I highly encourage you to reach out to an EoA member in game to obtain more info.
Holla at your boy. I gets $.