So here is how it works: example, I'm farming for the rogues artifact Mirage weapons, i think they're really cool, amazing, fun mechanic, i really want them etc. Now once i have them they will be underpowered(sad face), because i am level 80, re-upped my level about 12 times and running through higher content where the Mirage weapons are slightly under powered. The Lion guard's gear, Alablastar set, Burnished etc, these are the level items recommended for these maps/campaigns and basically what you will need. So all these other really cool designed weapons are wasted, as people don't just play one low level early map everyday day for months, they play multiple to go straight to end game gear, and weapons like the Alablaster are easy to get, like really easy, so makes lower level artifact weapons pointless, good mechanics, but stats at that point too low to use end game.
Now, it takes awhile to get these artifact weapons so once they finished the zone they leave and never return even to get the weapons, and these weapons basically go to waste
(real sad face).
So my suggestion is, Only the MAIN artifact weapons for each campaign should have an option to upgrade the weapon artifact item to your current appropriate item level or they automatically level up with your overall level, (not artifacts, epics/rares, neck, waist items/weapons etc, they're perfectly fine in my opinion, even using lower level artifacts still have a big impact on later campaigns, so just the MAIN artifact weapons for each campaign, Burnish/Lion/Alablaster/Shadewalkers etc).
So just the stats, not the effects, as the effects are not the focus, the stats are under powered. So if you really love a certain artifact weapon it really sucks to have to retire it!. Now imagine if we could upgrade are favourite artifact weapon stats to our current level, people will be hunting for them again, it will get long time players going back and hunting them again in these older zones, it'll add some more adventure into the game knowing there's these weapons out there on a lower level that you really want!, and the fact you can upgrade them to your current level gives an incentive for players to go back to older zones and get them! horay!. Of course the stats don't have to be exactly the same as the main current latest weapons, just a bit of a pep up to make them usable throughout the later game
In the game Divinity Original Sin 2 the developers Larian added a feature like this, where before leaving an area for good and you couldn't return, you could level up a few of your favourite certain items!, his was asked for by the community and it was added and it was good!
I love my Mirage weapons.. but i won't be able to use them in the last three expansions or epic D-runs etc
So to sum up my terrible explanation: Upgrade/item level weapon artifact stats to current level for more variety in game.
Oh and another note, by the time you obtain the weapons you have more then likely just finished that campaign!, so i think being able to carry some artifact weapons over to newer contact would be great
And a lot of people can power them up from green to orange in a few minutes once they've gotten them.
Those toys then remain the MAIN until the next mod with weapons drops.
It needs an amount to discourage people not to play the game to gain the latest stat.
People spends days/weeks to get the BiS stuff (with many failure in between). 10K AD?
And, upgrade from green to orange is relatively cheap comparing with other type of upgrade.