I can't find the Pet on my account anymore (possibly due to something game-support did since i reported it 2-3 days ago but was told to also report it here) so some of this is based on memory*
On the 19th I noticed that i had gained a vanity pet (which may have already been there for a few days). A purple rarity little purple demon looking thing named Fidget, if i remember correctly. The issue that i had was that when i tried to un-summon it by Using it or double clicking the item, the creature would disappear but then basically immediately reappear.
I tried all of the I'm Stuck options (just in case). On a secondary character i deleted the item but that didn't help. Moving it into the bank didn't help. Logging off didn't help.
The pet icon in the inventory had no art and read "place holder".
Switching instances (of PE) or zones (from PE to Blackdagger Ruins) didn't have any affect but there was some kind of weird interaction with the Grand Emporium. The vanity pet wouldn't follow me in if it had been present outside of the building but this would only last while inside the building.
I was able to solve it by activating a different Vanity Pet (i didn't have one but thankfully someone was willing to mail me one to test it out).