Tales of the old Dread Vault is broken there is no timers and no extra lives and there is not near enough time to run even a tier 3 run. You have to speed run through the whole thing and that is impossible when you have the debuffs of no consumables and then no artifacts. Is this going to be fixed before it comes around again this event or is it going to stay broken? And why are these not being test ran when they were broke last year why are we still getting old content for events that no longer work like they should and still putting out packs and other things for people to buy when the stuff in game barely works.
Once again the devs have let us down by not fixing something they knew darn well was broken. They had nearly 6 months to fix it too! Waste of time for everyone. Might as well just do the 3 dungeons or let us choose which one we want to do each day. Have all 4 up all day every day. Also put a gosh darn campfire at the darn rest point! It used to have one before Mod 16... fix it!!!
They will not compensate anyone either... I submitted tickets before for Tales of Old and they did absolutely nothing! I posted a vid on YouTube yesterday also showing my party getting screwed over by the 1pm EST reset. We were in Tales x5 when it reset and after over 2 hours of being in there we got diddly squat for rewards.
It's really sad great content is put out and allowed to stay broken. Seriously what's going on at Cryptic???
When are they going to fix the Mod 16 chest glitches? You'll find them in Tales of Old as well... if someone loots all, no one can loot. Sad... very very old glitch brought back in Mod 16 due to not deleting the old broken code and copy pasting instead of programing fresh. Also hard coding things in when fixing (removing the bad code 100%) would prevent old glitches from returning... Just sayin'.