A couple of Questions if I may.
What is the Twitch Channel to attach to my account ?
Next I got the Gold Pantaloons last night but it only shows in Preview window under Campaign ,should it show in Character window as well where pants are?In the Campaign window it show that I have two in my inventory and yet i can not see them ?? Is this a bug ?
Also I assume you have to go back to the workshop every time your box is full( from gathering ), these items do not stack ? Kind of time consuming running back .Is the workshop even worth all that trouble then?
As this is the first day i was allowed to post YEAH !
I also was wondering if there is a face book page for never winter , the one I did find looks like it died.
Thank you for any answers !
So far enjoying the game .
I don't have the answer of twitch channel. Others can help.
The Gold Pantaloon is a fashion. Type 'c'. Click appearance tab. Click the glasses like icon in the bottom (under the word 'preview'). They are in the fashion tab of your inventory. Type 'i' and click on the hand tab of the left edge of the window.
For the workshop, you will get something to allow you to do thing for workshop without going to the workshop (except starting gathering task) with the cost of morale.
The workshop might not be worth spending too much time on as of now, and yeah, you get 400 Morale each day for free that you can use to remotely do tasks. But for gathering and non-rushed tasks you do have to manually collect, and it's intended for them to not stack.
But i have an extra one when i went to the auction house it said i could not use it .
I have to look on line and see why now .But thank you.
Facebook has some pages but they are all old comments back to 2019 on one group .
Does the Twitch channel link to your email account or do i have to link it to something else ?
1. unbound, you can sell it in auction house (AH).
2. bound to character (BtC), you cannot sell it and you cannot pass it to another character.
3. bound to account (BtA), you cannot sell it and you can pass it to another character.
Most of the item, after you equip it, it will bound to character. Usually, there is a warning dialog box comes up to warn you.
we will see.