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thekingmmothekingmmo Member Posts: 3 Arc User

i want start this saying i'm from Spain, i don't speak english, just want to tell you that because for sure i will say something wrong expressed or similar, sorry for that :)
I play Neverwinter for maybe 3 years or 4.... when i start all finish at castle never... today Castle Never is... a joke but that is the thing...
we build our GS or IL today... and when u go inside CN for example, they cap our stats, making this, funny for a part, but bored for another because a lot of people feel we waste our time building IL for nothing...i think the cap at the Dungeons is bad.
But for me and a lot of friends with i play NW... the thing who really kill NW is the new sistem of feats and powers,
When u release this sistem... u really play as a new player??
Is bored, u didn't have any motivation for ugrade your lvl because didnt obtain nothing... before 1 lvl up was 1 power point and 1 feat point
the feats make your class flexible, and really adapt the character as your style, now... some classes, like GF ( today called fighter) didnt work, is a really bad dps, and doubting tank.... why u will create a Fighter... dps? will be hunter... tank? will be paladin...
this new sistem closes all the classes, and feats just for upgrade stats..i think is bored than before the patch.....
Power points give an extra lvl up for the characters, and some extra funny cap for the high lvl players,
i play as a cleric, will speak about it, all clerics have the same powers, and the same feats( because just can choice from 2 every 10 lvl)
all the clerics plays with same powers, and same passive powers, and same dailys and all the same...
i feel the feats like before, the three ways of feats like before, makes some different characters, because all people want his own character with his own habilities.
today all the people have the same builds if u can call it builds, because all characters just have 2 choices.
this is really boring, and i think u need to work in that.

not all is bad.. the new stats... caps and new stats....i think this is nice, really nice.

just want to express myself and i hope some NW developers think in that and really play your own game.... feel the game, and compare past, present and future....

thanks for reading and i really sorry if something is wrong expressed or writed



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    sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User
    edited April 2020
    The developers have told us, they cannot go back to the way it was before module 16 (Undermountain) changed our builds. But I hope they will try to add more back into the current system to make it better. As you said, "today all the people have the same builds if u can call it builds, because all characters just have 2 choices. this is really boring, and i think u need to work in that."

    If they would give feats 1 more choice, per choice, it makes the builds more unique. Currently we have;
    2*2*2*2*2 = 32 options
    Adding another feat per leveling gives us;
    3*3*3*3*3 = 243 options

    All they really need to do, is add another row of 5 feats to every class. This alone would greatly improve the way users view the new system.
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    wilbur626wilbur626 Member Posts: 1,019 Arc User
    > @sandukutupu said:
    > The developers have told us, they cannot go back to the way it was before module 16 (Undermountain) changed our builds. But I hope they will try to add more back into the current system to make it better. As you said, "today all the people have the same builds if u can call it builds, because all characters just have 2 choices. this is really boring, and i think u need to work in that."
    > If they would give feats 1 more choice, per choice, it makes the builds more unique. Currently we have;
    > 2*2*2*2*2 = 32 options
    > Adding another feat per leveling gives us;
    > 3*3*3*3*3 = 243 options
    > All they really need to do, is add another row of 5 feats to every class. This alone would greatly improve the way users view the new system.

    I would start by fixing the current non-functional feats
    Elite Whaleboy
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    kharkov58kharkov58 Member Posts: 668 Arc User
    And make the third feat choice not tied to a specific power.
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    hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,462 Arc User
    I want to be able to play a real controller again. It angers me to no end that they took a perfectly viable and fun playstyle away.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
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    jules#6770 jules Member Posts: 709 Arc User
    hustin1 said:

    I want to be able to play a real controller again. It angers me to no end that they took a perfectly viable and fun playstyle away.

    To be able to tell dps apart aside from "more likely good" and "more likely bad" ranged/melee dps would be fun.
    - bye bye -
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    sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User

    hustin1 said:

    I want to be able to play a real controller again. It angers me to no end that they took a perfectly viable and fun playstyle away.

    To be able to tell dps apart aside from "more likely good" and "more likely bad" ranged/melee dps would be fun.
    To detail my issues of wizard versus the control wizard;
    They broke up the At-Wills in such a odd way. They always seem to be "Ice Wizards" and no matter how hard you tried you get a poor Ice Mage with some fire or lightning skills and never the Master of the Flames! or a Grand Wizard of the Arcane! I still don't know, if the game can distinguish between Fire damage and Cold damage. Fire damage seems to do about the same amount, when fighting creatures of Ice. The same can be said about Ice versus Fire creatures.

    As I see it, all of the classes need more choices. I am not asking them to rewind time. I am asking they progress in what they started.
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    grogthemagnifgrogthemagnif Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,651 Arc User

    hustin1 said:

    I want to be able to play a real controller again. It angers me to no end that they took a perfectly viable and fun playstyle away.

    To be able to tell dps apart aside from "more likely good" and "more likely bad" ranged/melee dps would be fun.
    To detail my issues of wizard versus the control wizard;
    They broke up the At-Wills in such a odd way. They always seem to be "Ice Wizards" and no matter how hard you tried you get a poor Ice Mage with some fire or lightning skills and never the Master of the Flames! or a Grand Wizard of the Arcane! I still don't know, if the game can distinguish between Fire damage and Cold damage. Fire damage seems to do about the same amount, when fighting creatures of Ice. The same can be said about Ice versus Fire creatures.

    As I see it, all of the classes need more choices. I am not asking them to rewind time. I am asking they progress in what they started.
    For the Wizard the three rows could be Lightning, Fire, and Ice.
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    rjc9000rjc9000 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,405 Arc User
    wilbur626 said:

    I would start by fixing the current non-functional feats

    Or make feats that fundamentally change how players approach combat (there are a few, such as Critical Touch, Blade Hurricane, or Perfect Balance, but those are few and far between).

    The old feat system ultimately railroaded players towards one of three set styles, but each of those styles had a few key feats that would distinguish the style from all the others.

    I still don't know, if the game can distinguish between Fire damage and Cold damage. Fire damage seems to do about the same amount, when fighting creatures of Ice. The same can be said about Ice versus Fire creatures.

    Nope, there's no resistance/weakness system for the game as a whole.

    There's no penalty for using Fire damage on fire elementals, or no penalty for trying to use a generic non silvered sword against ghosts, or no bonus for using Radiant damage against the undead. So on and so forth for other any other "logical" resistances/weaknesses you could think of/has been in D&D for ages.

    All damage types are functionally the same, with the only difference being visuals/animations.

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    geminisky59#9345 geminisky59 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    this game has become braindead and removing the original combat system was the big reason why plus adding no new rewards. The CDP is nice but we haven't heard a peep from Chris Whiteside and team for over a month. Seems like the revamp is becoming like so many other Neverwinter reworks in the past..they gut things and leave them in the the dust. No caretaking or follow through. Yes I understand people are working from home but still sone communication should be happening.
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    autumnwitchautumnwitch Member Posts: 1,138 Arc User
    I watched a few of the game play vids for the Magic: Legends game they are coming out with and I see stuff that used to be in NW. My guess is, they can't return the things we liked about NW because they are prohibited to because they want Magic to be the new shiny game that people will dump cash into.

    Also, as the player base of NW was dropping before MOD16 but certainly more afterwards, they need to be able to manage the game easier with a smaller team which means they have to dumb it down to the point where we nearly have "canned" characters now and customization is almost meaningless.

    Like the other people in this thread, I have spent 1000's on this game but have almost completely stopped because the game has become so boring and reward-less. What's the point of chasing BiS or anything if we get nuked/nerfed as soon as we leave the most recent content. I'm just throwing my money away and wasting time. Between the loss of all the bells and whistles of customization and the scaling it's no longer fun.

    I used to play 6 to 12 hours a day. I'm lucky if I can get 1-2 out these days. I just keep hoping they see the light.

    Boudica's Sisters - A Guild For Introverts
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    dionchidionchi Member Posts: 919 Arc User
    edited April 2020
    hustin1 said:

    I'm sure that some bean-counter at Cryptic is aware of what I spent on the game in the past, and how little I spend now. For instance, I have enough VIP to last a decade. I could have bought a new car (a nice one) with what I've spent on the game. In the past twelve months, however, I've spent very, very little.

    I'm not even doing it out of protest. I'm simply very, very unhappy with the direction of the game since last April and I've lost enthusiasm. Chris might be listening, but the designers definitely are not, and I don't think they ever will.

    My main gripe is very simple: the designers have taken away any agency I had when it comes to building my character. I can't customize via feats because three-fourths of them have been taken away. I can't customize via powers because two-thirds of those have been taken away. I can't customize via stats because everything is capped. The simple fact is that gameplay, the most important aspect of any game, has been defined by what we cannot do instead of what we can do for the past year. Those pesky players keep using their brains to figure out better ways to play the game, and we can't have *that*, so lets place them in as small a box as we possibly can.

    The gameplay isn't fun for me, plain and simple.


    Personally I think Cryptic is trying to distance themselves from those who "used to" spend a lot of money on the game to trying to entice people who have never spent any money on the game, like new players, to start spending money on the game thus all the recent juicy giveaways.

    For instance the introduction of the "free" new and "Improved Bag of Holding (42 slots)... sounds great right?

    Well if a player does their quests and just picks up the free bags those quests offer, they have about 72(+/-) inventory slots of course a lot of those slots are taken up by items that shouldn't take inventory slots at all like loadout gear changes and a plethora of Bound To Character items that should at worst be Bound to Account. (**Waay too many things in the game are unnecessarily bound, particularly bound to character. ¢¢)

    Cryptic and Neverwinter may have absolute control over how the game is played and what kinds of things are being offered to players, but the reality of it is it is the players who hold the purse strings that keeps Neverwinter and the people working for Cryptic in Neverwinter afloat...

    We went from player packs with items that were actually worth the prices being charged with Character Slots, Account wide Rare Mounts (+110 movement speed), Account Wide Epic Companions (max level 35), Bonus Astral Diamonds to player packs so over priced that they actually had to reduce the price to get people to buy them and the items in them only claimable for a single character, instead of account wide. Some Zen Market mounts, companions and items went from being account wide - with a single purchase claimable by every character on the account to only claimable by one character per purchase.

    Players used to be able to level up their mounts, but that option was removed and now about the only way to get a better, faster more powerful mount is to buy one or to buy keys and hope... by random chance, one will pop out of a lockbox.

    It seems the more revenue Neverwinter looses the more things Cryptic and Neverwinter takes away from players, so that the only people now willing to financially support the game are those who don't know how badly they are being taken advantage of compared to how it used to be.

    Well Neverwinter isn't the newest, shiniest game on the internet anymore.

    It may be Neverwinter can attract sufficient new players, and convince them to spend the money to keep the game afloat - but then again maybe not and perhaps Neverwinter would be better served to try to find their own balance between attracting new players and trying to keep some of the people who have been financially supporting the game for years.

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    mithrosnomoremithrosnomore Member Posts: 693 Arc User
    I was just reading this thread...


    … Which is much the same thing, I think.

    The game just doesn't feel like D&D to me.

    It's a game, and people can enjoy the game for what it is, but I never really seem to stick with it any more. I pass through, play for a little while, and then move on and come back later to check on things again.

    Certainly there is no incentive for me to spend money on the game.
    I just don't like any of my characters enough to want to invest in them. And that is because of gameplay.
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    b4t1b4tb4t1b4t Member Posts: 275 Arc User
    Any game that has been out for so long must change. With that change comes things that no one likes but companies feels must be changed to further build apon their game.
    The idea I understand. In fact I am one that enjoys how the game plays in this new mod.
    What I dislike the most is removing the options that made making a build for any toon different.
    Now its all the same compared to another class using the same.
    I dislike it alot. I want options returned so that I can do things different and be different.
    Oh well I already know I am not getting that so I simply do not try and make them see reason.
    My words on this falls on deft ears of those that simply will not care.
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    tribbulatertribbulater Member Posts: 193 Arc User
    Posted a comment, eaten by the edit monster. Is multiple years of this edit post/post disappears not enough to figure out a fix?
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    motu999#9953 motu999 Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    never edit your comments, no matter how much they need it.
    If you do, copy the entire message to the clipboard before hitting the submit button.
    Yeah, happened to me several times - very annoying ...
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    jules#6770 jules Member Posts: 709 Arc User
    edited April 2020
    The edit monster is some sort of a Spam filter I guess, the post is still somewhere. There were posts fished out of it some time ago, when people complained about it too.
    Which is another BigSighIssue.

    I said it before, but I'll say it again:
    Throwing good stuff at new players and letting them play the newest (or newish) content from the get-go is a big mistake. I see it in guild, I see it in alliance, I see it in zone chat: New people that can walk around with easiest 20k that do not know what MSVA is (or... Codg...) but can queue for RTQ easily and cap easily, too, just by following their guild peeps around and hitting something. Some of them think two weeks of running MEs is a hard grind.
    Big sigh.
    Yesterday I had a new player asking how to get more IL, they had nearly the same gear on as me, and I had to advertise running other campaigns than UM and Avernus like a HAMSTER popsicle. Never crossed their mind, to do Shar/DR/EE. Why even. Sometimes I can get them to enter Dread Ring when posting some SES, and they say "yeah I need that" mate, I know...

    I am still here for community-related issues, but with every friend of mine playing less and less, this loses value too. I don't really know, maybe it will change for the better, can't be that much worse than contemplating if this are still my chars first day in M16.
    - bye bye -
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