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Just another day in Neverwinter

marvyn#9793 marvyn Member Posts: 50 Arc User
Signed for a Trial. Got Demogorgon. Didn't start for 10 minutes because there was someone standing at the entrance, afk. Couldn't kick or remove them. Eventually they reappeared saying nothing to explain why 9 people had been kept waiting.

Think we managed to scrape silver, but don't remember as it was chaotic and shambolic with people opening all the portals and then the mobs chasing the healers (erm me) around the room and a couple of people on permanent campfire duty.

Next up, signed up for the dungeon: -> LOMM with Arcturia in progress with only 1 person present. Was about to leave, but sadly too slow, the group was filled. After about 2-3 minutes explaining the corners and assigning the colours we started. We failed, although got her to 20%, but 6+ golems at that point resulted in a wipe.

The group voted to abandon.

I try again. This time it's Castle Malabog. And yes, a mob got stuck in one of the siege towers (again). Resolving that took about 10 minutes. Other than that it then went okay, except that the dps were going ahead of the tank (who was very slow), but it was manageable.

The queue and group experience in this game needs to be improved, urgently.

- There's no reason for bugs like mobs getting stuck in siege towers to still be an issue. These minor bugs should be easy to fix.
- And may I suggest that where you have 9 players in a swirly, and one player outside that if a certain time elapses, that that player is removed automatically by the game, and doesn't rely on waiting 15 minutes or trying to see if a vote kick can be instigated.
- LOMM is still too difficult for random groups. I don't think I've had any success in there in a complete pug.


  • jules#6770 jules Member Posts: 709 Arc User
    edited March 2020
    A question and/or statement about the entrance standing:
    I usually disconnect in some way or form when I pug RTQ. If I recall correctly (judging from runs with people I know that do not afk) it is like this:
    - I wait forever on the queue/map window (used to be the best way to tell if I got Tiamat in the past, it took forever it usually was Tia and I dc'd after a while) and am still "online"
    - I disconnect, I try to log in again - I wait until response - I get "logged out" and appear offline
    - I get to log in another time, this time I can get back into the queue and jump into the cycle full of angry people telling me to gtfo.

    I am not sure this is entirely an afk thing, but I have no idea. Maybe somebody could explain...

    For the ancient bugs: Try reporting them now, there was a phase of bug fixing now that we haven't seen in a while. Might be lucky..

    I agree that the queue experience is not too overwhelming good atm, but you can still get lucky. I tried some RTQs for a time now, because I didn't do any RQs since M15 or so, and all in all they weren't too bad, but people really really need to chill.
    If I get edemo and have people cussing each other out, I really despise the experience, but it was not because of some new player opening green portal, but usually about some mid-geared entitled child treating everybody else like HAMSTER. We really need to try harder to be nicer in public queues, scaring away every potentially fun player is in my opinion not the answer.

    One thing that is problematic for me too is reinforcements into dead queues. The occassional cradle I get in as reinforcement to watch other people win it aside it's usually completely messed up Tias that need to be abandoned, not reinforced.

    Lomm: I had successes pugging Lomm, but better chances back in M16 or late M16 more likely. I try not to run redq for other reasons (CR). Imo more people have an idea about Lomm mechanics than, like, cradle or older content.
    - bye bye -
  • polaris1986polaris1986 Member Posts: 320 Arc User
    - LOMM is still too difficult for random groups. I don't think I've had any success in there in a complete pug.

    no, people just wont learn and even try.

    i had few LoMM runs when party dont even start. 3/5 just leave instance, when only 1 DPS for example was weak. Or leave it after first fail. (when I'm already trying to write everything.

    Once i seen a party on To9G. When we 2 (healer+1DPS) run to right door. and other party was on other (wrong) side. When we already were in center, they all leave an instance. Lol, what it was?

    is it too complicated? and also Ravenloft...

    the problem that new people don't search for mechanics, tacticks. Just ask in guild or alliance, is it problem? LoMM don't hard. and for example I like to run it and Raven too.
    "sometimes the world doesn't need another hero, sometimes what it needs is a monster"

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