Its getting pretty old in the ques that because I chose a DPS character I have to wait 10-15 minutes to get into a trial, then play 10-15 minutes just for someone to quit causing a chain reaction and fudging up the instance. I played 8 trials yesterday and only completed 1. After hours of waiting for a successful group. Due to players just abandoning the instance and then others taking the free ride out. I feel there should be a strict penalization for this. Like instead of making it so there is a penalty to leave for just one person, then when that one person takes the fall so everyone else can leave, change it so if anyone else leaves they also receive the same penalty. Kind of defeats the purpose of the vote to abandon if everyone gets the free ride. Its killing me that this is the best way to cap out my AD a day but when I have to play for hours on end its rather boring. "Oh I finally got into a match. Oh, so and so has left the instance. Goodbye everybody else." I literally just sat 15 minutes to get into a Tiamat match that was cancer. Nobody wanted to divide up 5 on one side and 5 on the other to protect the whatever the hell theyre called, forget the names, so it took forever for that. We finally attack the heads make it down to ice. By the way the frost dragon stone is broken, it doesnt protect for cr_p. But, thats for my bug report. Anyways so we go back to protect the whatevers again. Boom one dude leaves, then another, then another, then another, you see where im going with this. 7 maybe 8 minutes on the clock, do-able but as soon as people start chain leaving after that one guy/girl takes the fall you might as well just log off and call it because there is no point to trying again for the next instance when thats your 4th or 6th one for the day that has failed due to, I believe trolls maybe? As it would take to long to finally get into one and when you do its just wasted time because its never going to be finished anyways. I could go run endless skirmishes, but that would take forever to get up to the 100k rAD. If you ask me, the game was enjoyable until I hit 80 after that its just been one disappointment after another. I can refine another 40k rAD today but Ive already been playing for about 7 hours. Guess I'll, MAYBE, try again tomorrow. Might just shove the game aside after I get my key for the VIP and take a break from this game.
Instead of using the soul before the dragon breath attack, try using it after.
Same as the black dragon stone - it clears the DoT effect and the hazard. Red, Blue, and Green are the ones you use in advance to get protection from the breath.
As for trials: I'd suggest joining an alliance or some of the non-default channels and forming a premade party, rather than joining as a solo DPS? Unfortunately there's more DPS than anything else in the game, meaning the bonus money (and the matching instant queue pops) are for tank and healer 99% of the time.
When I get it I usually wait until the second to last gem guy goes down to take my gem as the last one to go down always seems to be the one with the white gem. (In my opinion, you never take the white gem as it is not necessary) then when we are splitting up I just pick a side and then count players if more than 4 I just go to the other side. I do this with my DC as well with no consideration to which side needs healing as I am really just going by the numbers.
Yesterday and today I saw a successful completion of tiamat and demogorgon with my DC.
In both instances it felt a bit unbalanced. In tiamat one of the players on the team I was on bailed before we started and the side I was on both times was only a team of 4 including me. In this instance most of my group went to the other side and during the fight I could see they needed healing over there.
Based upon what I have seen I would hazard a guess that you only really need a team of five to beat tiamat and that I have probably been getting the groups that did the five and pugged the rest.
In demogorgon I ended up playing the tank roll for some reason for most of the beginning and it looked like some people bailed on that as well. Still finished with a gold tier ranking though. Went down twice in that one once at the beginning while leading the demogorgon around and once at the end when I got left behind from the demogorgon with a lot of the extra monsters.
The ones I have a problem with now are the ones I have never done like ravenloft and codg. The Ravenloft one I just abandon without even trying and codg while I am willing to do it I have yet to complete one. (while I do know how to do the elevator now the instances I have tried have never made it past that.)
Tiamat - 6 successes, 1 fail
CODG - 4 successes, 2 fails (once cause i was warped into a failing mission, stuck at top to watch, then everyone bailed)
LOMM - 2 successes, 4 fails (this one is brutal, one of the fails was with a decent team)
CR - 2 successes, 1 fail (one of the successes, i was a replacement)
All other Dungeons, Skirmishes, and Trial types were 100% succcess rate for me (about 100 of them). In addition, however, there were about 10 matches that were non-starters. Everyone bailed before even trying. half of those were caused at the root by disconnected players that no one had time to wait for. Why wait 15 minutes for a player to run a 15 minute mission? when they might not even show up?
As a DPS I feel the pain of waiting and of being abandoned on. I understand that we want to encourage peeps to play heal and tank, but there should be a solution forthcoming. WHY? Lots of players make good money in life. An hour wasted in-game might be $50 lost labor for us. The game should figure out a way to NOT waste our time.. so that we can enjoy playing, work, and pay them money to keep the game running and improving.
Then I was in CN with my Justicar and I was top paingiver and did more dps than the two of the dps. And we had a healer who wasn't healing (I inspected him and saw like 2% outgoing heals so I didn't bother saying anything). Right before the second boss, the #2 dps decided he had enough and started the abandon vote.