WHAT IS THIS TIME??????????????
I am on my char crafting leather boots to sell for gold at Profession vendor. I am VIP 12 So I call vendor to sell stuff.
I sold 10 boots and crashed. Re logged sold 30 more crashed
Re logged sold 1 and crashed. Now I am re logging 4th time on same char.
I made screen shots with crash report on my desktop. Like 10+ of them now showing the clock in bottom right corner.
This started after the patch.
I sold like 50 boots and crashed 3 times.
Every time I relog i need to use 5 more morale to order delivery
When x2 proffs comes - 400 morale would make 200 boots for gold.
If this goes on then as well this is a NIGHTMARE.
Fix THIS. Workshops aren't very popular as they are.
This bug would thrown people outta them for good.
For now, you can work around it by only selling <50 items at a time. If you zone, or log to character select and back into the game, after selling 50 you can then sell 50 more. Rinse repeat. Until the fix. Hopefully next week.
It's annoying, but easy enough to avoid.