Hello everyone,
I have been away from this game for about 4-5 years. I just recently happened to install Linux and as it turns out, NWO works great

Unfortunately, I have been going through the guides section of the website, as well as looking for a Discord server, but it seems the only place active & updated is the forum here.
I have a few questions that have come up and would very much appreciate it if someone could answer them for me -
1) CompanionsIn the past we used to have Augmented Companions that were non-combat, as well as regular Companions that could be slain in battle. I believe I noticed now that the client is telling me "You will still receive the companion's bonuses if it is not summoned." Does this mean that I can load up a combat companion with bonding stones, and not summon it, but still receive the stat boost? Or should I be using Ioun / Cat stones?
2) MountsMounts are completely different from what I remember. Now we are able to get stat boosts and special effects by combinations of insignias. Being that most mounts are character-bound, should I be *cough* buying lockbox keys with Zen and trying to open lockboxes in hopes of getting a mount, that is valid for all characters. What is the best option to go about getting mounts nowadays?
3) RefinementI have a Drow spider mount from launch that I put a Wanderer's effect on, that drops refinement stones. I figured that might be useful. Is it needed to get multiple mounts with this buff and focus on refinement? Also, I have a lot of gear on my old lvl 60 and 65 characters. Should I be refining this? Do refinement points transfer between characters? Or should I transfer all gear to my newbie I am leveling up and do it there?
4) PVPWhat happened to the PVP? I remember in the past that I could level up to about lvl 60 by basically just doing PVP over and over again, and Skirmish maps. My paladin is lvl 20-25 or so now and I have yet to see any PVP queue pop up when I press K. I also went into the old pvp building in the main town and there are no queues there anymore either. There are NPCs in the intro zones (like lvl 15 for example, with the orcs) that have the PVP queue icon, but clicking on them just gives me chat options and that is it.
5) Old enchants, etcWhat should I be doing with these? Some characters I have, have like 40-50 rank 2-7 enchants on them. Should I be upgrading these still or try to sell them on the AH?
Thank you and have a good day everyone
2. don't gamble your ZEN away through lockboxes, it's not worth it. i'd rather get a set of epic mounts (be sure that they're marked as account wide) from the store - just be smart about the shopping spree, and only buy them when you have a discount coupon for the mount section from invoking or loot drop. also google mount bonuses, and make sure that you get mounts with insignia bonuses that give you some healing.
3. RP isn't really an issue anymore, especially when you use enchantments or mount bonuses that give you additional RP drops. most RP gem drops are bound to account, so moving those gems from one character to another (mail/acccount bank) shouldn't be problem. just keep in mind that RP itself can't be moved, so make sure that you convert those gems on the characters it needs it.
4. i don't PvP, but it looks like it's dead as a doornail since they made it for level 80 only...
5. i'd keep them in the bank, and turn them into RP when needed. prices for most enchantments below rank 9 have decreased drastically, considering the RP and materials you need to upgrade enchantments, i'd say most of the time it's cheaper and faster to buy the ones you want for your character directly.
welcome back.
It was never a choice.
The only choice was the free Anniversary pack, that offered 1 of the 4 basic types, radiant, dark, silvery, azure.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
many things changed in the past years, especially with M16+ in the last year.
The boons and stats from companions and mounts are much more important (and variable) than in the 'old times'. [In deed, for me as a tank, I think, companions and mounts with bonusses, gear and boon make 66% of the 'power/value' of my char.]
Before buying, updateing or changing companions, mounts, stones or gear, the most important is in my opinion, to understand, how the game(mechanics) now work, and what companions and mounts can help you.
Check some Youtube videos to the topic stats and counterstats MOD 16; details than can be found here
Second ist to get an overview about resent companions and mounts (incl. insignia) and their bonusses
Third is to change your for sure outdeted gear fast (and cheaply) for same basic high(er) level GS gear. Wich is easly done just by starting with lvl 70 the Undermountin Campagin.
Fourth: Serach a active Guild with TeamSpeak and just ... talk to the people. They will guide you to learn the new instance mechanics and help you level up, gear and build your char.
5th: two words about companion gear: 1st, ist now companion only gear, you can buy blue gear wtith one slot and GS 965 with 10k to 15k AD ... take them ASAP, do not waste time and resources to slot that gear with stones ... use, what you find or can get chealply. 2) Bounding stones are the only thing, you should buy oder upgrade in the beginning. They give a signifcantly boost to your companion. Bounding stones is the only investment, that is not getting obsolete with new MOD, new gear, ne companion ... so best investment, you can make.
Hope, that helps ...