Orcs in Guild Stronghold need to be toned down! Also why have a Tesla Coil in game and not have for decoration for example? Everyone has been waiting so long and it's not easy getting heroic encounters done. Orcs have incredible defense, hit points, and hit hard! Everyone will concur with is! Not all my characters are super strong item level! The highest I have is 19.5K+. Sure I can kill the orcs, but it's not easy. It seems ridiculous based on how strong the orcs are and I can kill everything else just fine.
"Woes" one (where you can have orcs as foes) are longer and more difficult minor IHE. A bit thougher to solo (so it's better to be with a party). Usually, if influence/time efficiency is your goal and you are solo, you will get the influence reward quicker riding (with at least epic saddle) from the beast to the devils/spiders/drakes and finishing one of those rather than doing solo one of the woes close to beasts.
Everything else (major [2swords] and epic [3swords]) is a waste of time if you are solo, unless you like the challenge.
The other mobs wandering around are not really worth to fight, and if you are trying to complete the "kill 100 monsters in the stronghold" it's better to organize a marauders with your ally for that.
There is no reason why some HEs are harder thsn others. Either all should be soloable or none should. There is no distinction and they give the same rewards. This is just another case where something changed. Maybe it is a bug or maybe poorly thought out but WAI. Either way, players just end up trying to navigate through the fallout.
After mod14, and with Barovia free stuff from the opening quest, the difference really began to feel irelevant for everyone (including your reroll n°27 who has only do the first quest of barovia).
When you are pretty much oneshooting anything below 50k hp for exemple, then you obviously can't see the one foe with 45k who hit at 10k as a stronger ennemy than the one with 10k hp who hit at 1k. They are both dead instant when your first AoE lands.
If you're trying to solo them all at 19k, good luck with that unless you have perfect stats.
My HR does fine but he can hit 25k depending on choiees and is basically tomm ready
Asking for a 'fix' for this type of issue usually could have 4 outcomes.
1. What you want.
2. the totally opposite of what you want.
3. bugs
4. 2 and 3