The repeatable quest givers in Bryn Shander and Lonelywood have greyed out exclamation marks above their heads meaning that I can’t pick up most of the repeatable quests. I haven’t done anything in Cold Run yet apart from hand in the lead quest. I have done a lot of questing in Sea of Moving Ice while doing the treasure maps.
On the Campaign tree, I have 5 reputation with both the Arcane Brotherhood and the Storm Giants but none with the Elk Tribe. I can’t find anyone to take my fish which I think is what I need for that.
The repeatable quest givers say that I must obtain or have completed the quest “Defending the Dale”. I check the completed quests in my journal and under the Cold Run section, it says that I have completed Defending the Dale – despite not having quested there.
Am I bugged or will it all come right when I quest in Cold Run? I can’t go there at present as the party I quest with are behind in the campaign.
I have been endlessly searching for help with this but can't find what I need; I must be missing something simple I think or there would be many sources of information.
Many thanks.
The Fishmonger in Sea of Moving Ice is up in the raised area at the start. Leaving from the gang plank of the ship, it is to the right. You would jave talked to her during the intro quests for SoMI. She buys fish through her store.
Everyone can make up his mind about the fact, that you will have to complete the introduction in Cold Run, to get quests in SOMI, AFTER you bought a buy out token. Let alone the outstanding support.
You need to climb the hill to see her.