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Random queues- Ad bonus reduced

spiorad#4889 spiorad Member Posts: 11 Arc User
edited October 2019 in General Discussion (PC)
Reducing the AD bonus for random queues was a really poor decision.
You would think that you want to keep population up, and have higher level people still involved- now you have nerfed an important incentive for anyone to use random queues. Was bad enough already before the update that queuing the same level a second time wasnt even worth doing, so people would do 1 and done. Now queue times are getting longer to find people...hmmm wonder if there is a connection?

Its a good game, flaws aside, but it wont matter what content you develop if you keep frustrating players with seemingly unfair changes to mechanics of the game.

Could someone explain what the point of doing that was?

i'll leave the post up since it got replies and prompted some discussion- with a correction- I did jump the gun on what i "thought" was correct. There is much more detail to what was changed with this latest update, and my initial assessment was off-base
Post edited by spiorad#4889 on


  • oldtimer#7525 oldtimer Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited October 2019

    The AD Bonus was significantly increased and it is arguably TOO EASY to earn rough AD now which will become a big problem if they don't introduce significant AD sinks soon. Trial + Epic Dungeon queues are much easier and faster than the old Advanced and Expert queues and provide more rough AD than all of the old queues combined.

    Just running one Trial and one Epic Dungeon queue on the first day after the change i received 86k rough AD in about 32 minutes, the second day i received 102k rough AD in about 28 minutes without having any bonus AD from invoking. And no this is not with premades, this was duo queue with one other person and horrible pug teammates. There is nothing you could run in the old system that comes anywhere close to these numbers.

    Previously a solo player that can tackle all the random queue content could realistically expect to cap their 100k daily rough AD in about 1.5 - 2 hours or less, in the new system that time was reduced by at least 50%.

    EDIT: Third day of new system, solo queueing a single Trial and Epic Dungeon each, 93k rough AD in 22 minutes total without invoke or role bonuses ( 62k from ~10 minute Trial and 31k from ~12 minute Epic Dungeon ). An extra ~10 to 15 minutes from a second Trial queue will put me over the 100k daily cap. Please tell me more about how queue rewards were nerfed.
    Post edited by oldtimer#7525 on
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  • melotai#0794 melotai Member Posts: 281 Arc User

    I agree with the oldtimer. Also, before this change I would only do the intermediate and leveling queues once per day using whichever character got the bonus so it would be fast. As essentially a solo player I never even bothered with the other ones but with the change I am now willing to queue up for a third one (Epic Dungeon) as well. And, as it turns out when I am playing any of my toons I will occasionally check to see if the bonus is available for the healer in the epic one and if it is I will switch to my DC healer and queue for it if it is still available after switching toons.

    For me it is essentially an extra 30k rAD per day and it could be a lot more if I were willing to team up with others to do the trial one.

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  • oldtimer#7525 oldtimer Member Posts: 141 Arc User

    I´d really like the devs to explain why they thought it a good idea to absolutely tank AD income for beginners without access to trial&epic and then literally drown the already high geared players in AD.

    Do you even play the game? Or did you just look at the AD reward numbers and automatically arrive at a nonsensical conclusion?

    The change to entry level queues that are filled with bots rewarding little AD should have been made a long time ago.

    Also the idea that AD income for beginners was lowered is absolutely false. A fresh lv 80 character without guild boons can hit the 17k IL requirement and be able to queue for ( and be useless in ) all the random queues within 5 minutes of reaching level 80, something that was not possible previously. If you are in a Guild you can easily overshoot that item level without ever equipping a single piece of lv 80 gear.

    A newbie had no chance in hell of getting into Expert Queue and in many cases in Advanced queue so all they had previously was Leveling and Intermediate that gave a grand total of 20k AD. Now you could play with the bots in leveling dungeons/ skirmishes and get less AD or you can finish Undermountain, equip 2 bonding runestones and be able to queue for Trial and Epic Dungeon where the content is so easy people might actually allow you to leech your way through to the end without even noticing you are contributing nothing. Either one of those queues can give up to DOUBLE ( if the case of Trial even TRIPLE ) what you could earn previously in way less time.

    Are the new *higher level* queues too rewarding? Yes. The entry requirements for them are also too low, please stop acting like 17k IL is a high number. The recent changes to queues and a few of the mechanics in the content that comprises those queues are perhaps the single greatest example of pandering to new players the dev team has ever done.

  • pakatapoespakatapoes Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited October 2019
    Lower lvl dungeons cant have the same reward as Skirmish , this is too much
  • w00trandomsnoobiw00trandomsnoobi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 387 Arc User

    A fresh lv 80 character without guild boons can hit the 17k IL requirement and be able to queue for ( and be useless in ) all the random queues within 5 minutes of reaching level 80, something that was not possible previously.

    But you can't queue for the trial if you haven't unlocked MSVA (which takes forever). And for the epic dungeon if you haven't unlocked TONG. Skirmishes might be okay though, unless you need to unlock Kessel or Shores, not totally sure about that.

  • oldtimer#7525 oldtimer Member Posts: 141 Arc User

    A fresh lv 80 character without guild boons can hit the 17k IL requirement and be able to queue for ( and be useless in ) all the random queues within 5 minutes of reaching level 80, something that was not possible previously.

    But you can't queue for the trial if you haven't unlocked MSVA (which takes forever). And for the epic dungeon if you haven't unlocked TONG. Skirmishes might be okay though, unless you need to unlock Kessel or Shores, not totally sure about that.

    Random queues do not have any requirements outside of meeting the minimum item level, you don't need to have a single campaign task completed to be able to queue for randoms. If you are barred from queueing then that is a bug that was introduced recently, campaign progression matters only for direct queueing.

    I ran Trial queue and completed MSVA yesterday with someone who has 5% of SKT campaign completed ( not even close to unlocking MSVA ) , that same person has also done CoDG without even unlocking ToNG before the queues were reshuffled.
  • w00trandomsnoobiw00trandomsnoobi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 387 Arc User

    Random queues do not have any requirements outside of meeting the minimum item level, you don't need to have a single campaign task completed to be able to queue for randoms. If you are barred from queueing then that is a bug that was introduced recently, campaign progression matters only for direct queueing.

    But you may be right about a bug. The alt in above picture does not have access to TONG. But another of my alts can indeed queue for epic dungeon and he has also not unlocked TONG.
  • oldtimer#7525 oldtimer Member Posts: 141 Arc User

    Random queues do not have any requirements outside of meeting the minimum item level, you don't need to have a single campaign task completed to be able to queue for randoms. If you are barred from queueing then that is a bug that was introduced recently, campaign progression matters only for direct queueing.

    But you may be right about a bug. The alt in above picture does not have access to TONG. But another of my alts can indeed queue for epic dungeon and he has also not unlocked TONG.
    Keep in mind dungeons are account wide unlocks so if you have it unlocked on one character you will have it unlocked on all. Random queues do not require the content to be unlocked first but they do require that you meet the minimum item level of the highest item level content in that queue, in this case ToNG wth 17.000.

    I just checked my 5 alts that are all around 17k item level, they were all able to join the queue if the item level minimum was met and barred from entering if item level is even slightly below that.
  • darthpotaterdarthpotater Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,262 Arc User
    Definitely is faster and easier to get AD now.

    The question that came to my mind when I noticed this was:

    If the ZAX was going down slow but still going down since the ZAX ratio change to 750, we have again ZAX going up faster.

    This will be a problem again, I cant assume that they dont know this would happen.... Whats next?
    Lescar PvE Wizard - Sir Garlic PvE Paladin
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  • w00trandomsnoobiw00trandomsnoobi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 387 Arc User

    Keep in mind dungeons are account wide unlocks so if you have it unlocked on one character you will have it unlocked on all. Random queues do not require the content to be unlocked first but they do require that you meet the minimum item level of the highest item level content in that queue, in this case ToNG wth 17.000.

    You're right, it was the item level, he's still at 16 560.

  • oldtimer#7525 oldtimer Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited October 2019

    Definitely is faster and easier to get AD now.

    The question that came to my mind when I noticed this was:

    If the ZAX was going down slow but still going down since the ZAX ratio change to 750, we have again ZAX going up faster.

    This will be a problem again, I cant assume that they dont know this would happen.... Whats next?

    Black Friday is coming up so it is hoarding season.

    With that said, the only reason i'm not screaming for an AD nerf on random queues is because i expect them to introduce some heavy AD sinks soon. The virtual removal of queue entry requirements, the nerf to dungeon difficulty and the over buffing of queue rewards leads me to believe they have something planned. I do not accept that the horrible inflation these changes will cause in the long run has not been accounted for internally.
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