May as well let them have their pointless fun, no one is gonna pay that much, or even diamonds in general, for something you can buy for 1500 copper a piece.
there are a number of reasons not all nefarious. I've put things up for a ridiculous price just to clear out slots in my bag temporarily. that said money laundering is also a possibility
What bothers me most is that there are people who would actually buy that garbage at those prices - Congress comes to mind.
darthpotaterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,262Arc User
Usually people do this when they do a run and the valuable loot is sold by one person and then the AD spreaded to other players. This was pretty common in old CN farms and now people is farming legendary rings in ToMM and splitting the AD of the loot.
Other way is to pay in marks or other items with low variation in value, but if you want AD you will pay that 10% AH cut in one way or another.
There was an item (joke item) called a bag of holes. These were far to easy to get and sold for asinine amounts of AD in the Auction House. As the wiki states, the bag was 1 slot and completely useless. I haven't seen the bag in the AH for sometime now, I think they were removed. Now they sell Neverember's Promissory Note in much the same fashion. I think this is mostly the result of, no posting fee being a no risk all reward, should the junk items sell. I get a chuckle out of gag items too. My husband, Brian had placed "The Ring of Carrot Protection" in a pile of loot. The greedy player in our group was a wizard with detect magic ... "Mine!" and put the ring on. He could not take the item off and it repels carrots up to 50 feet away. It made things interesting when we got back to town. The wizard ended up paying a high level wizard to remove the item although we all volunteered to cut his finger off. One member said, "We should take the whole hand off, just to be sure.". It is my opinion, it is fine to have joke items, I would welcome cursed items, but they shouldn't sell in the money market.
Bag of Holes was one of the junk items added to skill nodes in Beta as a way of stopping people farming them excessively. After you opened a certain number in a short time period, they would only contain these items which were worth only. a tiny amount of coppers 1' Pole and Bent Fork were two others. Those have been preserved as generic treasure items, however
Based on the Wiki, they were probably available with the Robe of Useless items before the node change. No idea if they can still drop them and given the 1 hour ICD, not going to test.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
So I tried to list a stack of Nature Kits yesterday and the buyout price defaulted to 34,000,000 ad for the stack. Not sure if there is some type of issue with this item or it is what the AD sellers are using now to transfer AD to buyers.
Could be AD sellers, could be legit AD from split runs - if we're splitting sale of a million-AD drop, that's 200K each, meaning I need to get you the 200K that's your share of the million. So you put up junk for 200K, I buy it, and that's your share of the million AD item that we, collectively, earned on a run and then agreed to sell.
What's odd to me is that ordinarily as the number of identical items increases, the default value decreases. The examples in that screenshot appear to show the opposite trend. All of the items posted earlier are valued lower (31,720 AD each) than the item posted latest (35,192 ad each), and I'm assuming the four most expensive on the final page are the latest posted.
Also, the approximate worth of 1 dungeoneering kit is in the neighborhood of 37.5 AD (based on the exchange rate of gold over the past month or so). But it could certainly be as low as 31.72 AD.
Every now and then I've wondered how those default values are obtained.
I just think this put publics pics with ppl account name isnt good if yu hv any problem report this with pics at dev. if yu wanna post pics maybe 4 privacy delete name, they deserve privacy
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,172Arc User
If they wanted privacy they wouldn't post to the AH where their @handle is visible.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
I think its a bug. I had that happen putting up a similar kit. It was astronomically high. I didn't list it, but if you are moving fast and just are used to listing at the price suggested maybe it just gets up there. So, I guess I'm saying the person might not be trying anything sneaky or nefarious....just listing at the suggested price.
Other way is to pay in marks or other items with low variation in value, but if you want AD you will pay that 10% AH cut in one way or another.
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
Based on the Wiki, they were probably available with the Robe of Useless items before the node change. No idea if they can still drop them and given the 1 hour ICD, not going to test.
White Pearls do that too - don't remember the exact default price, but it's enormous
What's odd to me is that ordinarily as the number of identical items increases, the default value decreases.
The examples in that screenshot appear to show the opposite trend. All of the items posted earlier are valued lower (31,720 AD each) than the item posted latest (35,192 ad each), and I'm assuming the four most expensive on the final page are the latest posted.
Also, the approximate worth of 1 dungeoneering kit is in the neighborhood of 37.5 AD (based on the exchange rate of gold over the past month or so). But it could certainly be as low as 31.72 AD.
Every now and then I've wondered how those default values are obtained.
Give it a try yourself. See what happens.