Been playing for years and not gonna bore ppl to death with my history but having played other MMOs as well I've gotta say...
Neverwinter needs some serious sex appeal! All the Characters look so... boring and dull...
I know your updating the fashion aspect of the game so for the love of God...can we get some sexy outfits for our toons!!? Thank you 😉
Just hope they give us more options in fashion etc...
They should, now they are upgrading that aspect of the game.
No thank you. I'll love what we have now.
What this person just said.
The game has enough problems as is, imagine some alternate body aspects/functions that do not work well with all fashion pieces. It happens all the time.
HOWEVER, new armors and outfits is ALWAYS a good idea!
But something fashionable, reasonable. Female characters already have amazing outfits. Male characters with same pieces look like some regular joes, or worse.
I leave you to ponder this and have a laugh...