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What Gith should be

notgoodguynotgoodguy Member Posts: 6 Arc User
edited September 2019 in General Discussion (PC)
Greetings fellow Neverwinterans.

I believe this to be my first forum post. For if it is not, it was many years ago and I just don't remember it. =P

The following is my interpretation of what classes the Gith should be in Neverwinter. Using information both new and old. From the very first monster manual ( and yes I have the blue hard cover "bad" art copy =) ) to the 3rd and 4th edition monster manuals. Sorry I don't have 5th edition material. From the Githyanki warriors, warrior wizards, wizards, and gythyanki knights to the modern Githyanki warrior, mindslicer, and gish. From the Githzerai thief and wizard to the modern Githzerai cenobite, mindmage, and zerth. From the sake of roleplaying and available Neverwinter classes, this is my understanding of what Gith Neverwinter classes "should' be used to properly represent a true Gith. Assuming 5th edition did not drastically change this.


Barbarian : Blademaster
The one thing all githyanki warrior types have in common is the large 2-handed silver psychic sword they wield.
Blademaster because they are all about the aggressive militaristic combat. They are not protectors, so no to the Sentinel.

Wizard : Thamaturge
The mindslicer and gish are more like the old school warrior wizards. But with psychic powers instead of spells. The wizard class is the next best thing. Although they exist in the Astral Seas, thamaturge seems to match the volatile rage oriented githyanki more than the arcanist.

If one "insists" on using the Fighter, I would say make him/her a Dreadnaught.
For the same reasons above, they are fighters who will win at any cost. They are not protectors.


Rogue : Whisperknife or Assassin

Wizard : Arcanist

These two classes and paragons best match the monk style and disciplined mind orientation of the Githzerai. Between fighting styles, use of psychic powers (in this game: magic powers), attacking from a distance, teleportation, etc., these seem to 'fit' best. Even with the fact the modern version githzerai uses unarmed combat. Which is probably why I personally lean more towards assasin than whisperknife. Although both work. The arcanist represents more of the disciplined mind aspect of the githzerai. Despite them living in the chaos planes or perhaps because of it.

The reason I do NOT suggest the use of Paladin or Cleric is because the Gith do not worship any of the gods. The githyanki knight was compared to a dark mirror image of a paladin. Spells like 'lay on hands' and 'cure light wounds' would instead be 'crush with hands' and 'cause light wounds.' Instead of putting the dead down, they would be raising them up. It was/is the use of the undead that allowed the Gith to defeat and escape the Illithid/mindflayers. Ranger doesn't seem to be a class that fits either githyanki or githzerai. I also do not suggest the warlock for one simple reason, the Gith do not serve anyone above their leader(s). To make a pact with and be in servitude to a devil/demon would be like going back to serve the mindflayers.

My final suggestion is to use the pscyhic enhancements on their weapons. For all of them. Only for the sake of playing them more like them. They all infused their psychic abilities into their combat and weapons.

Tell me what you think. I actually went through all of my monster manuals and online research at "official' and "unofficial" dnd website '-pedias.' Do you agree with interpretations? Or not?

Thanks for reading. =)
Post edited by notgoodguy on


  • wintersmokewintersmoke Member Posts: 1,641 Arc User
    Not all religions worship gods, some worship prophets.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    Yeah, but this is a game where you can be a Tiefling Paladin or Great Weapon fighter....
    My character Tsin'xing
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User
    Gith should be whatever the player wants it to be.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    > @markhawkman said:
    > Sorry I don't have 5th edition material.

    > Yeah, but this is a game where you can be a Tiefling Paladin or Great Weapon fighter....

    You can play Tiefling as any class in 5th. Pretty sure same was true of 4th. Any alignment as well.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
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  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    greywynd said:

    Gith should be whatever the player wants it to be.

    Yeah you can make up a rationale for how/why they do what they do.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • notgoodguynotgoodguy Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Greetings once again, fellow Neverwinterans.

    I think you've missed the point, and the sentence: "From the sake of roleplaying and available Neverwinter classes".
    I am not forcing or wish to enforce any limitations on players choices. This is from the aspect and point of view of roleplaying. Which many modern mmo players miss out on. I am an old school pencil and paper player. And I am aware that any race can be any class in the modern rpg. Which is personally something I totally disagree with. Having "said" all this, once again that was not the point of my post.

    For those of us who have played this longer than mmo's ever existed, and for those who read and perhaps have played or play the other editions (as well as the most recent one) and actually like to "roleplay" their characters, this is for you. Even if ( or perhaps: especially if ) your level of roleplaying is simply limited to the look and class and power choices played for the race you choose.

    Now. Based on this explanation; what do you think?
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    I started D&D around 1980. Race restrictions on class were and always be bad. There is far more roleplaying value in playing against type rather than going with cookie cutter choices. So I am firmly against any idea of what a given race 'should' be.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User
    I started back in '78. Githyanki and Githzerai both appeared in the Fiend Folio. For system purity, they should have remained "monsters".
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • mebengalsfan#9264 mebengalsfan Member Posts: 3,169 Arc User
    pitshade said:

    > @markhawkman said:

    > Sorry I don't have 5th edition material.

    > Yeah, but this is a game where you can be a Tiefling Paladin or Great Weapon fighter....

    You can play Tiefling as any class in 5th. Pretty sure same was true of 4th. Any alignment as well.

    Don't forget in PnP D&D your DM has final say on what is allowed and not allowed; even if you play within the FR setting that has been around for quite a while.

    As for what we get on a game like NWO; well the DM's are the developers and as long as Hasbro gives the ok, than they can do whatever Hasbro approves.
  • frogwalloper#6494 frogwalloper Member Posts: 821 Arc User
    greywynd said:

    ...For system purity, they should have remained "monsters".

    Definitely not my first pick for a new playable race, that's for sure.
  • lame22334lame22334 Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    I myself use my barbarian as a Soulknife/mindblade. taking the psionic feat that allows the mindblade to form it into any shape..greatsword included. im working on getting the aboleth sword to make it really look like a mindblade...right now its the earth one with a feytouched ench. on it to give it that....pure psychic energy look.

    I also have a rogue i play as his brother that is also a mindblade...same ench same idea cept daggers.
  • notgoodguynotgoodguy Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2019
    Greetings once again fellow Neverwinterans.

    greywynd, frogwalloper, mebengalsfan, you guys came close.
    greywynd and fogwalloper; I happen to agree that, as cool as I always thought they were, I do not believe I would have made them a character class choice. But it is now for Neverwinter.

    mebengalsfan, I used to be both a DM and PC. I preferred PC...DMing was somewhat like stress and enjoyment mashed together. A DM allowed me to play a half-ogre who found an intelligent cursed/blessed paladin sword. So although he did not allow my half-ogre to be a paladin, he was a paladin wanna-be. Oh did the madness ensue. =) The reason he allowed me the half-ogre, because Dark Sun had come out with PC Half-giants. It just seems to be with the lack of restrictions now, you can be a half illithid half gibberish paladin of sune. Or half troll half red dragon cleric of ( oh just pick a lawful good god). Makes a lot of sense to me...NOT. It would be like saying in the real world a hunting pack pigeons took down a moose. Because the pigeons wanted to just the like the wolves.

    D and D was always about imagination. Having said that, it created a world with creatures that followed a certain way of life. Class restrictions allowed for that. Because when a uique character was created it was a true blast. (DM/PC collaborations) You could make a cleric who lost faith. And between you and the DM you worked out all the pitfalls and stuff needed to find your faith again or become something else. And that would not have fallen out of class restrictions. It was all about the "playing." And when it comes to hasbro: if a thousand scoops of shiffer flaffer ice cream in a tortellini cone, covered with wubba bubba syrup sold out, they would approve it's use too.

    As much as the above is great discussion material. It's still not the point of my post.

    Finally someone who gets it. Thank you lame22334. =)
    I liked your visual choice for the blades, lame22334. That's the kind of thing I was talking about. At least from a visual aspect, which was going to be another post I was going to make.

    But still, getting back to the concept/point of my original post. With the allowance of Gith as a playable race what do you fellow players think of my "gith class descriptions." Do you think it fits what githyanki and githzerai are supposed to be? Do you agree with the "reasons" for my choices? If not what do you think would fit better.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User
    Orc/ogre crossbreed: ogrillon.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 117 Arc User

    And between you and the DM you worked out all the pitfalls and stuff needed to find your faith again or become something else.

    Well, as the one guy said, the devs are your DM team.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • notgoodguynotgoodguy Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Greetings once again.

    greywynd: funny. =)

    markhawkman, I know I read what mebengalsfan wrote as well. Oh and I do have a tiefling paladin because I thought the contradiction was cool. And a halfing paladin just because I thought that was HILARIOUS.

    AND YET, that still is NOT the subject matter of my original post.
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