These two companions offer very similar Player Bonus Powers.
"Increase Encounter/At Will damage against Disabled, or Held targets by xx%"
I've been chatting with Rainer about these very specific conditions and he pointed me to Sharp's "Wizard Mechanics Guide" and following looking at that, and running through all the artefacts and companion bonuses in the "Collections" I can't find any circumstance in the game that creates a specific "Disabled" effect.
Plus, the only circumstances where I can find "Held" are on the two Wizard powers, "Entangling Force" (though, interestingly, it doesn't say so on the Thaumaturge version of the spell???) and "Imprisonment", (The longest time on these is 3 seconds) and the Artifact "Imperial Rod of
Restraint" (a mighty 4 seconds)
Given that Paranoid Delusions are going at over 2 million AD on the XBox AH, can anyone explain why?
The capacity to increase At Wills' damage by any reasonable amount seems to rely solely on being an Arcanist with a Rod of Restraint and a VERY good Cooldown rating. The same applies to the Kobold's bonus to Encounter damage.
Does anyone know how to create a "Disabled" effect?
(Disclaimer, I don't play a Barbarian and don;t have Healer Warlock spec or Tank Fighter spec, so haven't been able to check their Powers for "Held" or "Disabled" so maybe they're all hiding in their Power lockers...)
Are you sure you're not confusing the two?
The conversation I had with Rainer left me with the understanding that unless something states a specific effect, it doesn't do it, and that they don't have categories of control effects beyond "Control".
So a "Disable" wouldn't in the new system cover a number of effects that in some way disable the player, for instance.
For both of those companions to state their Power operates when a target is either "Held" or "Disabled", suggests that there is a specific Control effect "Disabled" and that effect should be listed on the means to achieve it, whether that be a player Power, an Item, or another companion power.
It would be nice if the people making the game could let us know the rules.
Maybe I'll spam Thom on the next live-stream... "Oy... what causes a Disable effect??" "Oy... how about expanding the conditions on Kobold and Delusion Powers???"
It seems that posting questions on the live stream is the only way anyone pays any attention these days.