I have two Wizards. One an Arcanist who I do just fine with. She is a DPS machine both in groups and solo.
Then I have a Thaumaturge who is ok but there just doesn't seem to be an encounters that are good for mobs. In places like Chult, Ravenloft and Undermountain there are so many mobs she really struggles when solo. My Arcanist has 2 good spells to keep mobs at bay but I'm really struggling. I don't want to have to change her but I need something to keep the mobs off of her when she is so outnumbered.
Ang suggestions?
Boudica's Sisters - A Guild For Introverts
My AoE Thaum always runs with Conduit of Ice and Icy Terrain as regular encounters. Then either I put Fireball on tab and some single-target thing (Repel, Entangling, Icy Rays, Chill Strike) on regular, or put Chill Strike on tab and Fireball on regular.
With Critical Conflag, Thaum does like 3-6x damage on crits depending on the power, so getting a noncrit on Icy/Conduit really sucks.
> Can you screenshot your Thaum and Arcanist builds and post them here?
Yeah, we would need to see specifics. Thaum in particular shouldn’t be having issues if doing rating-appropriate content with a good build, so something could probably use a tweak.
Also, for a trash-killing loadout I use Chill Strike in Tab and Fireball in a regular encounter slot. With encounter CDs much higher in M16, running a single-target power for trash feels wasteful, especially when running Thaum and using Ray of Frost + procs to focus down stragglers.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
Which one is more accepted in groups?
Tab - Chill Strike (makes it an AoE)
Icy Terrain
Conduct of Ice
If I have my daily I use Immolation to pull the group together than Conduct of Ice, Chill Strike, jump in Icy Terrain and than Fireball if they aren't dead.
I use Chilling Presence and Critical Conflag for my personals.
I use Ice Knife and Immolation as my dailies.
My primary at will is Chilling Cloud.
I also went with very high control; around 50% or so and mobs freeze very easily for me.
I find this loadout kills large groups of mobs very fast.
The other loadout I use is Arcanist for bosses but I don't know all of that one details off hand
As for Thaum I keep everything the same for my single target other than my at wills and encounters.
My at will is Ray of Frost.
Encounters: RoE on Tab, Fanning the Flame, Icy Ray, and Chill Strike
I use Ice Knife as my daily.
I personally prefer my Arcanist for single target; it melts bosses quickly. I went into LoMM and joined on the 2nd boss and ended up top DD do to the amount of damage I can do just on bosses.
Overall the wizard is in a decent spot. I wish our encounters had 50% reduction in cool down but I also am willing to take 50% less damage if the devs do this.