The drops in Master expeditions are abit far off "class and role friendly" i got my 5th "Ebonized assault ring with 3% to melee powers" today, been running expeditions since mod dropped and yet to see even 1 ring that is for ranged powers, not talking about one with the right stats but literally haven't seen one of it, meanwhile i've heard of melee classes who only get the "ebonized raid/restoration rings". The gear drops in this game are mainly btc/bta, yet its not role friendly, not to mention getting gear in Master expedition chest that are not even for your class.
My guildmate got his 6th alabaster talisman today and yet to get an Orb, i did finally get an orb today but as usual, i already have the orb from the seal trader there.
With that being said, i believe there has to better a better loot system in future mods, Rng only creates an "unfair" reward system as you can do exactly the same as every other player and still not get the same drops or even close. there needs to be a more rewarding feel to it, the chances of certain loots dropping should be the same, no point for me to run the same dungeon 20x if im going to get the same piece over and over and im not kidding when i say that from my 6 master expedition runs between yesterday and today i only got the 909 IL pants in all 6 runs. There should be an amount of runs you do that will drop you a certain item, a system where all is based on luck can become frustrating and very unfair.
Lardeson CW not Mage. Where's my fireball and my thunderbolt?
After all, those bonus aren't that good for the WK path.
What would be next if the "stab things" theme is already taken by Assassin?
"Stab things harder" paragon?
"Slash things harder" paragon?
"Trap Disarmer" paragon?
"Chill in the Back and Make Your Friends Work Harder" Paragon?
Tbh the gearing system has been way off from the beginning, it doesn't make much sense that the gear you get from heroics and MEs are better than the gear you get with Deep seals, not to mentión that the gear from LOMM is HAMSTER for most classes, i dont have a single piece on cos i find them useless. New gear should be better than old gear, the more IL on a gear, the more powerful it should be, i thought that was obvious enough but seems not.
In future mods they have 2 options, make each piece of gear have unique bonus for every new gear, or remove bonuses from all pieces. What i mean is for example, all headpiece, regardless of the set, having 5% damage in x zone, chest having "on hit, have a chance to gain x% of a stat" on arm " x bonus depending on the number of people in your group".
With this simple fix, the highest IL will be worth the grind and will be the best gear in the game.
Also certain piece of gear should only drop for certain classes, the obvious tank related gear with defense, awareness shouldn't be dropping for dpses. in fact if you adapted a system where each piece of gear can be later opened as a "box" with the option to select one for your role, you'd save alot of headache. With that i mean something like, getting an armor piece, if im an OP and i get this piece, when double clicking it, i should have a choice to chose whether i want the final piece to be for my healer spec or my tank spec, which means the same armor can have 2 different stats, but only 1 choice ofc, this would be gear more role friendly and not just the random grind it is right now.
Now you need to play 3 runes, which isn't that bad with a decent group.
Then you have to get lucky with the instance that allows for the "ghost" to appear after a boss. There is no guarantee here.
Then you need to make sure the party is good enough to kill the boss and if you die that's it.
So we have 1 in 5 odds that we will get the drop. One person in the party gets the drop.
Then we have 1 in 8 odds that the weapon will be for the class that we want it for.
Now we have to repeat all of the above for the offhand or mainhand depending on which one you got.
The set isn't even worth the effort. By the time the majority of players can get lucky enough, there will be a new mod that makes the entire watcher set obsolete.
It is clear that the devs don't care about the player base and are willing to lie to them about the watcher set being an Easter egg. It's nothing even remotely an Easter egg. It is clear they put it into the game on Thursday after realizing something was broken. Had it been in the game and working prior to Thursday someone would have seen the ghost spawn after a boss fight and a simple click on the ghost would have revealed the essence exchange to spawn a boss.
My point is, they are willing to do this stuff yet the HP boons are still not working and this is something that becomes a financial thing for most players. When they discover they spent money on a respec token and the HP boons don't even work. They could have left the watcher system the way it was and not change anything on friday and it still would have been incredibly difficult to get the whole set on the class you want it for but no, they will patch it and ignore all the other broken stuff in the game.