[Moved from preview feedback comments because will be ongoing testing when Mod 16 goes live.]
Dig-In Damage Mitigation Test (1 of 3)1) BackgroundThere are many controversial Mod 16 changes for the class formerly known as
Guardian Fighters.
None has elicited more negative response then the replacement of Tab-Mark with “Dig-In”.
The developers listened to player feedback. In response, a new “Dig-In” is set for patching on 29 March 2019.
I decided to test the damage mitigation effects of both versions of Dig-In compared to a control.
2) ObjectivesTo quantify the relative damage-mitigation effectiveness of the present version of Dig-In in anticipation of repeat testing and comparison to the 2nd version.
The Null Hypothesis is “there is no difference between damage received with or without Dig-In”.3) MethodologyA. CharacterTested with a level 80 Vanguard Paragon Fighter completely “naked” of all assets.
No gear of any kind (except test sword used to trigger Flamebows with one hit prior to recording).

No powers or feats selected/slotted.
No ability score increases.
No boons.
No companion assets (pets, pet gear, pet powers, runestones).
Waterdeep horse. No mount powers, insignias or insignia bonuses.
B. EnvironmentI needed an environment isolated from other players with a fixed damage source. I used an empty instance of Mount Hotenow.
Lava and Flamebows appear to have have fixed base damage and DoT. Lava does not crit.
The test was performed in an enclosed lava field on the far north end of the map. No players entered the area while I was testing.
C. Conditions
The Lava control was collected by standing in lava for 5 minutes without action or motion.
The Flamebow control was collected after aggroing three isolated Flamebows then taking no further action for up to 5 minutes.
The test data was collected in the same manner, recording started from the moment of activation of Dig-In for a duration of up to 5 minutes.
Both control and test were repeated 3 times each under the same conditions.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
3) Results
A. Control
a. Lava
All 127,570 419.50 416.90 419.50 1,037.15 All 123 0% 50.0%
Lava 127,570 419.50 416.90 419.50 1,037.15 Physical 123 0% 50.0%
Stamina remained at 100%. Death did not occur.
b. Flamebows
All 40,850 2,269.44 0.00 2,307.91 2,150.00 All 19 26% NaN
Ranged Attack 40,850 2,269.44 0.00 2,307.91 2,150.00 Physical 19 26% NaN
Killing 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NaN Death 0 NaN NaN
Death occurred on average at 00:19.
B. Test (Dig In)
a. Lava
All 3,325 10.93 11.00 10.93 18.17 All 183 0% 0.0%
Lava 3,325 10.93 11.00 10.93 18.17 Physical 183 0% 0.0%
Stamina remained at 100%. Death did not occur.
b. Flamebow (ranged)
All 49,194 603.61 603.61 610.35 552.74 All 89 15% 23.9%
Ranged Attack 49,194 603.61 603.61 610.35 552.74 Physical 89 15% 23.9%
Killing 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NaN Death 0 NaN NaN
Death occurred on average at 01:21.
4) Analysis
Mean control damage was 1040 DPH for Lava and 2150 DPH for Flamebows.
Mean Dig-In damage was 18 DPH for Lave and 552 DPH for Flamebows.
5) Conclusions
Dig-In absorbed ~100% of the Lava damage and ~75% of the Flamebow damage.
Dig-In increased Flamebow survival duration by 500%.
6) Discussion
These results suggest that Dig-In, in it’s present state, does improve survivability of the Vanguard in low DPH encounters.
Although Dig-In appears to be working as described, it’s practical use in PvE remains in question.
The most common criticism of this tab-function is it’s complete immobility and lack of continual threat generation. This may result in the Vanguard losing aggro to teammates DPSing through the duration of Dig-In.
I will repeat these tests again after the 3/29/19 patch.
Comparison of the “old” and “new” Dig-In may guide our feedback and improve the tab function.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
Dig-In (v.2)
(Using identical Methods and Conditions as above)
3) Results
A. Control
a. Lava
Import Zone - [2] 8:38:01 PM | Encounter - [05:09] 8:03:06 PM | Harrier Took 17 | Incoming Damage
Type Damage EncDPS CharDPS DPS Average Resist Hits Crit% Effectiveness
All 133,645 432.23 432.37 432.23 1,069.16 All 125 0% NaN
Lava 133,645 432.23 432.37 432.23 1,069.16 Physical 125 0% NaN
b. Flamebow
Import Zone - [1] 9:09:03 PM | Encounter - [00:21] 9:02:35 PM | Harrier Took 17 | Incoming Damage
Type Damage EncDPS CharDPS DPS Average Resist Hits Crit% Effectiveness
Ranged Attack 47,504 2,209.49 475,040.00 2,251.37 2,159.27 Physical 22 41% NaN
All 47,504 2,209.49 475,040.00 2,251.37 2,159.27 All 22 41% NaN
Killing 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NaN Death 0 NaN NaN
Death at average time 00:21
B. Test (Dig-In)
a. Lava
Import Zone - [2] 8:38:01 PM | Encounter - [00:12] 8:09:51 PM | Harrier Took 17 | Incoming Damage
Type Damage EncDPS CharDPS DPS Average Resist Hits Crit% Effectiveness
All 4,156 346.33 346.33 346.33 593.71 All 7 0% 0.0%
Lava 4,156 346.33 346.33 346.33 593.71 Physical 7 0% 0.0%
b. Flamebow
Import Zone - [4] 5:29:28 AM | Encounter - [00:52] 5:25:35 AM | Harrier Took 17 | Incoming Damage
Type Damage EncDPS CharDPS DPS Average Resist Hits Crit% Effectiveness
Ranged Attack 48,494 918.45 918.45 991.70 881.71 Physical 55 44% 38.6%
All 48,494 918.45 918.45 991.70 881.71 All 55 44% 38.6%
Killing 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NaN Death 0 NaN NaN
Death at time 00:49
4) Analysis
Lava caused 1069 DPH on Control and 594 DPH on Dig In
Flamebow caused 2159 DPH on Control and 882 DPH on Dig In
Dig In (v.2) reduced Lava damage by 55% and Flamebow damage by 41%.
Dig In (v.2) increased Flamebow survival by 233%.
For comparison, Dig In(v1) offered 100%/75% protection and 500% test survival.
5) Conclusions
These results suggest that Dig-In (v.2), does improve survival of the Vanguard in low DPH encounters.
Dig In (v.2) appears to be working as described.
Dig In (v.2) offers 45%/34% less protection and 47% less survival then Dig In (v1).
6) Discussion
The Tab function now offers less personal protection.
The only logical assumption is that multiple other party-protecting factors have been added such as passive threat generation during the Dig-In.
I am a bit baffled as to how reducing the Dig In survival improves it's usefulness.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
1) Background
Same as the first test above. According to the 2nd preview patchnotes, dig in v.2 is unchanged.
In the previous tests, Dig-In was working as described in low damage scenarios.
How well DigIn works against high damage ("1 hits") has not been tested afaik.
2) Objectives
To quantify the relative damage-mitigation effectiveness of the present version of Dig-In in comparison to Shift Shield on Vanguard.
The Null Hypothesis is “there is no difference between damage received using Dig-In vs damage with Shift Shield”.
3) Methodology
A. Character
Same "naked" Vanguard described above.
B. Environment
There are suprisingly few consistent/constant/reproducible/isolated/accessible high damage sources on preview.
Closest I found was the opening demon fight in CN:
the Glabrezu, Nalfeshnee and Shadow Demon.
Barlgura, not nalfeshnee. Got my demon names confused.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
C. Conditions
Entered CN alone.
The control was collected by approaching demons and standing without action or motion until death.
The Shift Shield test data was collected in the same manner, except holding Shift until death without action or motion.
Dig In test was identical except holding Tab until death.
Control, Shield and Tab tests were repeated 3 times each under the same conditions.
Needed a low level shield, ofc.
Used an IL 121 "reflecting shield". That adds only 312 deflection.
The shield adds <1% deflection. Not significant.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
4) Results
A. Control
Import Zone - [1] 10:34:03 AM | All - [00:00] 10:30:10 AM | Harrier Took 17 | Incoming Damage
Type Damage EncDPS CharDPS DPS Average Resist Hits Crit% Effectiveness
All 243,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 243,000.00 All 1 0% NaN
Bash 243,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 243,000.00 Physical 1 0% NaN
Killing 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NaN Death 0 NaN NaN
B. Shift (Block)
Import Zone – [5] 11:14:29 AM | Encounter – [00:00] 10:57:58 AM | Harrier Took 17 | Incoming Damage
Type Damage EncDPS CharDPS DPS Average Resist Hits Crit% Effectiveness
All 223,424 0.00 0.00 0.00 223,424.00 All 1 100% 91.9%
Bash 223,424 0.00 0.00 0.00 223,424.00 Physical 1 100% 91.9%
Killing 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NaN Death 0 NaN NaN
[Combat (Self)] Your Block absorbs 19576 damage from Barlgura's Bash.
[Combat (Self)] Barlgura deals 223424 (243000) Physical Damage to you with Bash.
[Error] You have fallen in battle!
C. Tab (Dig In)
Import Zone - [9] 11:27:46 AM | Encounter - [00:00] 11:21:44 AM | Harrier Took 17 | Incoming Damage
Type Damage EncDPS CharDPS DPS Average Resist Hits Crit% Effectiveness
All 213,636 0.00 0.00 0.00 213,636.0 All 1 50% 87.9%
Bash 213,636 0.00 0.00 0.00 213,636.00 Physical 1 0% 87.9%
Killing 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NaN Death 0 NaN NaN
[Combat (Self)] Your Dig In absorbs 29364 damage from Barlgura's Bash.
[Combat (Self)] Barlgura deals 213636 (243000) Physical Damage to you with Bash.
[Error] You have fallen in battle!
5) Analysis
The “Test Took” had 47,150 HP.
According to the Tool-tip…
“Shift blocks up to 50% of total HP…”
“Dig-In blocks 75% of damage up to 50% of total HP”
In these tests…
Block absorbed ~43% of total HP or ~8% of DPH.
Dig In absorbed ~62% of total HP or ~12% of DPH
Dig-In absorbed ~80% of damage up to 50% of total HP.
6) Conclusions
Shift-Block performed less than expected (43% instead of 50% of total HP).
Dig-In performed better than expected (80% instead of 75% up to ½ total HP).
7) Sources of Error/Discussion
Preview Mod 16 is notorious for scaling issues.
It is possible that the discrepancy between Tooltip and our test was associated with scaling.
Regardless, Shift-Block is underperforming. Dig-In appears to be working at or better then described.
The controversy remains.
Shift-Shield does not appear to offer adequate protection from big hits.
The reallocation of HP from the Shift-Block to personal HP appears to lessen it’s usefulness in mid-level boss battles.
Tab-Dig-In seems redundant. It offers only marginally better protection than Shift-Block at the great cost of immobility.
I welcome constructive criticism on these test methods and conclusions.
Any ideas on better ways to test the utility of our future Shift and Tab functions?
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
Why couldn't they just made it so that if you stand still whilst blocking it absorbs 75% and 50% whilst moving?
It feels like they ran out of ideas.... A HAMSTER Tab ability no matter how you look at it. Would make sense if they made tab a knight's valor/shield wall type of ability instead. (with 3-4 shelds/hits before shattering)
This is going to kill the game for me I fear
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
lock the character if you quickly press q e r or shift
[Combat (Self)] Your Block absorbs 74203 damage from Sister of Spite's Theft of Vitae.
[Combat (Self)] Sister of Spite deals 199028944 (227320576) Physical Damage to you with Theft of Vitae.
Happened 5 times through a full-stamina 20K IL 360K HP Fighter shield AND twice through our beloved "Dig-In".
Did anyone there even TRY to play Vanguard in CR?
Same experience in ToNG-Withers.
Asterdahl, please explain how YOU use Dig-In to effect.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.