Preview Bug List
As someone mentioned in other thread Bug List would be helpful and as I haven't seen anyone doing something like that I hereby do so.
People keep it clean please, no discutions just bug listed. No one wants to dig through X pages of comments to check if bug he encounter was reported. I propose format like this:
Class: (Fighter, Cleric etc.)
Summary: (what's the bug, as short as possible)
Description: ( more detailed description of bug )
Before posting your bug check current week's bug list if it wasn't posted by someone else already
Also request to Devs, as new build goes live at different time of day for players would be nice if u post comment in form "New build live" or something so players would know that form now on bugs would be reported for new build. In future u could post patch notes or links to them here when new build goes live.
Class: Fighter
Summary: stamina regen spikes while in dig in
Description: stamina sometimes spikes while in dig in and taking damage
Class: Fighter
Summary: one shotted on CN bridge
Description: I get one shotted on bridge in CN with guard up
Class: Fighter
Summary: KC not reflecting damage while in dig in
Description: no damage reflection from KC when using dig in ( no damage floaters )
Class: Fighter
Summary: companion agro retake
Description: dont know if its just companion related but i'm unable to take agro from companion without using ET and holding it later without using ET again is pretty much impossible.
Class: Fighter
Summary: Rage Drake AoE brakes Dig in stance
Description: Last hit of Rage Drake brakes Dig in animation and makes character to stand up