I am liking the concept and idea behind many of the changes happening in Mod 16. However, one in particular is really getting me down in the dumps. I've spent a lot of time and energy getting 3 different characters to 16k+ item level and gearing them up to 100% critical chance. I have even gone as far as to collect the Apocalypse artifact set (actual artifact required a ton of work during the GameMaster Event).
Before I begin I would really like to make it clear that I agree that combat needs to be slowed down a bit and needs to be more interactive. However, I do not think that this change to Critical Strike (along with Critical Avoidance) is going to be a huge problem solver in this regard. What it does do, unfortunately, is make a lot of time, effort, and in some cases REAL MONEY a very real LOSS. With multiple characters geared to hit 100% crit chance along with ranking up companions to maximize Critical Severity, along with the Apocalypse artifact set now being almost useless (it barely keeps at full stacks with 100% crit chance on a cleric debuff/buff build), has caused me to have grave concerns about any future purchases or time investment I may decide upon in the future of this game.
Please reconsider how you have decided to implement this part of the update, or at least make it possible to get something in place of what is being LOST to the players that have invested in this path.
My ranger, paladin, and cleric look forward to knowing if they have a future in Neverwinter.
Thanks for reading.
To anyone interested in Preview;
If you play soccer you expect the goal to be in a certain point on the field. You pass the ball and shoot it towards that goal. It doesn't move somewhere else on the field. Expectations were put in place for how to invest time, effort, and financial resources for playing the game towards those goals. Now they are picking up the goals and moving them somewhere else on the field, making the entire strategy behind the game irrelevant in this case.
More than likely, as the developers are working on it now, this content and your concerns will get overlooked being here within current game feedback.
In my game (table top) rolling a 20 is a critical no matter what.
Me: "I sneak up behind them and toss a dagger at the biggest orc."
*rolls 20*
DM: "To your surprise you miss and the dagger flings about the room taking on a life of its own. It bounces and ricochets off walls and items in blur of pure carnage... they are all dead."
Something you can never do in any video game. LOL
We're playing an MMO. Change isn't unexpected, it's a given. Yes, players will need to adjust. Yes, stats are changing. It doesn't automatically make it bad, though. Just different. I'm personally enjoying my Cleric over on Preview - I hit mobs, they fall down. I'm not one-shotting them, but I'm also not having any sort of survivability issues, either. I no longer have 100% crit, but I honestly haven't been noticing, or really caring, as I'm having fun. Simple as that.
Generally speaking, everyone will have at least some of each stat just because of combined ratings and incidental stats on otherwise desirable gear.
Since the feats have been largely flattened out and recovery + lifesteal are gone, this crit vs. CA vs. pure power is virtually the only consequential build decision left.