Hello, I completed the KTeam run (Hardcore minimum Item Level) on my character Aerin Sol@gohaken#5114 approx 7:25pm eastern usa time today 2/18. The quest cannot be turned in for KTeam credit.
ALSO, the "envenomed cache" box from the middle treasure chest at the end, could not be opened after I obtained it, for several minutes. It kept giving me an error "you may not have more than 1 of a unique item" when I tried to open it, and would not open. A few minutes later, while standing in the Acquisitions Inc. HQ to trying and turn in the quest, I found I could open the envenomed cache box.
I tried again to turn in quest after that but no go.
I tried relogging and changing characters, but still not able to turn in KTeam quest.
Thank you,