Masterwork advancement asks for normal result items and +1 results don't work. All tools available increase profficiency and focus with the same ammount, so when you reach a certain amount of profficiency, focus starts to have a chance, crippling you the actual overall chance to get your item.
Using a mythic forgehammer tool has actually lower chance to get the desired item than a purple 400/400 item. With forgehammer I have 70% chance to craft success x75% chance not to get +1, total 52,5% actual success rate and recycle skill doesn't work if I get the wrong item.
With the purple item I got 58% chance to get the item I want.
Was that by design for the masterwork advancement to cap around 55% chance?
Are we expected to wait fixes on the problem?
Update that guy please. Both his store and the quest. It doesn't even make sense, nor match his dialogue of expecting "The Best Quality" from you. Us older players know it's a mistake. leftover from previous quest's text and mission requirements before +1 existed. However a new player will be really shaking their head at this.
It is EMBARRASSING- and would make a new player feel like the scriptwriter for the mission and MC recipe book store had their head up a strategically and physically difficult place to put it. I don't usually comment like this but holy smoke gang... this is really bad.
***My recommendation to correct the +1 problem and the Master Craft NPC is to either update him to allow for the +1 or ignore it, or better yet count +1 as 2x of the item for quest completions and the store.